Peace Day Party
AKA: September Pot Luck
United Nations Named it International Peace Day
Lofty goals for a Pot Luck and Game Night!!
The aim of the evening is to fellowship, eat some great home cooked food, and win the game or just have fun.
Bring your favorite game, some of the same or new ones. Access to some games was limited last time, so we will be adding space with two of some games going at the same time. The aim is for everyone to be able to enjoy more than one game if they want to.
We will have a limited bar available at no charge. Selection based upon availability. Wine, mixed drinks, and tea (sweet/unsweet).
The hot summer is yeilding to cooler days. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship!
It's just more fun if you are with us!
Don't forget to either email what dish you are bringing or sign-up on the sheet in the kitchen. I'll update the fixin's next week as we get them.