Boat Safety Equipment
The US Coast Guard and State regulations are the ultimate source for information on required safety equipment but the following provides some guidelines that have come from a variety of sources that provide some good common sense advise.
Fire on boats remains the number one cause of significant accidents on boats so attention to preventing loss of life due to smoke and fire is critical. While fire prevention and detection is critical, the byproducts of combustion including carbon monoxide is also deadly.
Our club rules specifically prohibit open flames for cooking on the docks. While our regulations do not prohibit candles on your vessel you should never allow them to burn unattended and carefully consider the location and fire hazard that they represent. We have had accidents at the club that have resulted in property damage. I would suggest you consider LED candles for safety.
Click the links below for details on Fire Extinguishers, Fumes Detection and Distress Signals.