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  • 7 Feb 2025 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    From the Commodore:

    Hello Yacht Club Friends! 

    Well, January is almost ending and before you know it, we’ll be warming up the engines and getting ready for the first trip out on the water.  As you know we started the year with a great New Year’s Eve party enjoying time with all of our yacht club friends.  Kim Van Staagen has plenty of “party time” planned for us this year as well.  It’s going to be a great year!  I’m really looking forward to the Valentine’s Day party and enjoying a fine Italian dinner prepared by Chef Pete Van Staagen and his culinary associates.   On a different note, the permit application package for our fuel delivery system upgrade has been forwarded to TVA and the Corp of Engineers for review and approval.   The process is expected to take 8-10 months; however, we’re hoping for a much shorter approval time.  The permit application also includes the replacement of the current fuel dock with one that is approximately 15’ longer.   Construction of the new fuel delivery system will begin as soon as TVA gives us their approval. 

    Lastly, we (Larry Hedden and I) met with our Chubb Insurance Risk Assessor on Friday, January 24th.  The meeting went well as did the tour of our property.   I expect that he will provide recommendations that we’ll need to consider for maintaining compliance with our policy.  I’ll keep you posted on the result.   Regarding the insurance surcharge, I anticipate that our 2025 insurance policy/bill will arrive in March.  Once we have a chance to review, I’ll let you know what the impact will be for each of us. 

    We have a thriving club, a strong Executive Committee, and outstanding Board of Governors that is committed to our yacht club for many years to come.  Please take a moment to thank them for serving.    

    See you soon!

    Steve Bosse

    2025 LGYC Commodore

    Truly Blessed

    From the Rear Commodore:

    Ahoy! I hope everyone and the facilities survived the cold weather you had a couple weeks ago.  I may be away from LGYC but please be assured I am paying attention and am engaged with our team and the House & Grounds committee.  I have a couple calls a week with James and Ricky and also stay in touch with Steve, Boyce, and Skip I would like to give a big shout out to all the folks that are boots on the ground at LGYC to help keeps things in great shape while I am away.  As for the water leak, it seems that it went away? We think maybe a drain was frozen and not letting water drain out.  Our team is keeping an eye out to detect a recurrence.  We are going to get the pool acid washed and tile cemented and caulked where it is needed.  Also, the launch dock has been replaced. Denise and I are in the Sea of Abaco and plan to be home by the end of March. I am available if anyone wants to give me a call or send me an email.

    Warm weather is around the corner.

    Greg Creech

    Vice Commodore

    No Excuses

    From the Vice Commodore:

    I wanted to remind all members that carts need to be returned to the parking lot rather than leaving them on the dock or finger piers. Also, please make sure power cords are secured to the dock structure and not in the water. At this time, all of our covered slips are full!

    Boyce Ross

    Rear Commodore

    Sea ‘n Blue

    From the Treasurer

    LGYC is in very good shape financially moving into 2025. We have money set aside for the new fuel delivery system that will be installed later this year if all goes well with TVA. The new fuel dock has not been officially approved yet by the BOG, but money is available for the project.  We are also planning on maximizing our interest income on any cash balances in our accounts. Several of our members have expressed an interest in paying dues via ACH. We are very close to having everything in place to accommodate these requests. 

    Craig Cheek



    From the Entertainment Chair

    I am so excited to be the LGYC Entertainment chair this year!

    Since becoming members of the yacht club, planning and decorating for the events is something I have always enjoyed. It is a great way to develop friendships and discover talents of other members.

    The January ‘Shipwrecked’ potluck was a success. I enjoyed seeing everyone who were able to make it, and the food was delicious. LGYC is a great place to be “Shipwrecked.”

    The next party is The Valentine’s Dinner. Chef Pete will be cooking a wonderful Italian meal. Jeanne Koeppen has volunteered to make several Valentine’s desserts. Check out Wild Apricot for more details.

    On March 15th, we are hosting the “Rhythm & Waves Cajun Potluck.” Bring your favorite Cajun Dish and your talent or just come to enjoy. I have attached a google doc in Wild Apricot. Put your name and what you plan to bring. This will ensure that we have a variety of dishes.

    We look forward to seeing you soon.

    If you have any ideas for a party or ways to improve, please do not hesitate to let me know.

    Kim Van Staagen

    Entertainment Chair

    Katinka Time

    Warm weather is around the corner, and we are looking forward to food, fellowship and fun at LGYC! Enjoy these photos shared by Diane documenting the snow day at the club! That's all for now. See you soon!

    Snow day.zip

    Angie Krall, Newsletter Editor

  • 6 Jan 2023 9:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    Amy and I have enjoyed serving this year and want to thank everyone that made this journey go smoothly. I would like to thank everyone that volunteered this year, the committees, the Board of Governors, the Executive Committee, Entertainment Chair, and the Bridge for making this year a success. The club is what we make of it.  If you are not having fun at the club, you are just not trying. Get involved and participate. It makes you a part of a great group of people.  

    Please try to make the final big event of the year, the New Year's Eve party.  This event will include a change of watch ceremony where the officers will pass the flag to the next in line.  Watch for the invitation coming out soon.  Dave and Jacque have a great band and food lined up.

    To provide additional support for the Vice Commodore role, we implemented a few minor changes to the bylaws which will increase the involvement of the Executive Committee in house and ground issues.

    Bill Counce held his last meeting as Chairman of the Executive Committee.  Bill provided great leadership and support during the past two years and I have enjoyed working with him.  Please join me in thanking Bill for his service.

    The Board of Governors unanimously supported the election of Glenn Curenton to take over as the Executive Committee Chairman for 2023-2024 term.  I believe we are fortunate to have the talent and experience that Glenn brings to the position.  Please join me in congratulating Glenn on his new leadership role.

    Curtis Combs has stepped down from his role on the Board.  The Bridge and Board would like to thank Curtis for providing great insight on committees and being a strong contributor to the board during his 2 years of service.  Randy Norman has been elected to fill the last year of this position.

    The BOG approved the request of the 5 elected members who asked to become honorary members.  They have all earned the right to move to this position and we hope we will continue to see them at the club in the future.  They are Gerald Daniel, Randy Keefer, Myrna Ross, Ruthie Milam and Scott Smith.

    As outgoing Past Commodore and on his move to Honorary status, I would like to extend a special thanks to Gerald and Gail Daniel for all they have done for the Club.  In addition to serving on the Board, Entertainment, Fleet, Secretary, Treasurer, Rear, Vice, Commodore and Past Commodore, Gerald has been hands on, doing so many different projects and repairs around the Club.  As Vice Commodore, I gave Gerald both the Arcs and Sparks award as well as the Brown Glove award.  Please congratulate Gerald on his honorary status and thank him for all he has done for the Club.  

    We are continuing to keep an active YouTube TV account at the club for now.  If you would like to try it, please contact Chuck Wills for assistance.  TV streaming works well with either a newer smart tv or a streaming device.

    Turtle Point Yacht Club put on a great event over the Halloween weekend.  Those that attended rocked with the 70's theme.  Food and comradery were great.  Photo below is on the return trip.  

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY


    Upcoming Events:

    New Year's Eve - December 31 - 7:00 dinner followed by dancing to JedEye

    MSD Stickers are now available.  Please contact James to set up your inspection.

    You may have noticed some kittens at the Club.  Some are ferrel and some appear to be domesticated.  Bobby McManus and Kathryn Cockrell are on a mission to get them spayed/neutered and find homes.  If you are in the market for a pet, or know of someone who is, please let one of them know.


    Diane Beck and Helen Fachet and their elves decorated the Clubhouse for Christmas and Santa (Murray Beck) showed up to wish all the ladies a Merry Christmas.  Sorry, Guys - maybe you should try to get on the "Nice" list next year!  We even had a special guest, Beth Sprouce, who is the Executive Director for the Marshall County Christmas Coalition.  

    Once again you have come through with your generosity to provide Christmas for needy children in Marshall County.  We "adopted" 22 children this year, from 6 different families. A week or so before the turn-in date one of our families had two more children added to their household when DHR had to remove these children from their own home.  We agreed to sponsor these additional children so that their gifts would match the others in the household.  I shopped on faith, knowing y'all would continue to send me money.  In the end we were able to provide a very nice Christmas for all 24 of these children and even donate some money to the Coalition to help with those who had no sponsors.  Remember these families when you wake up Christmas morning and pat yourselves on the back, knowing you have put some JOY in their lives.  

    Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas and hoping to see you New Year's Eve.

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 5 Nov 2022 9:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    Thank you for attending or sending your Proxy for the Annual General Meeting.  Thanks to all the presenters for keeping the presentations sharp and on message. The meeting took about an hour and then we enjoyed a great pot luck lunch. We are really blessed with some great cooks at the club. The nominating committee recommendations were accepted and the 3 new Board Members were elected including Skip Boyer, Marcia Elkins, Paul Tatum. Please join me in welcoming them to the 3 year role they have accepted.

    I would like to thank Jeff and Brenda Henderson for organizing a bike outing on the Silver Comet Trail.  11 riders started and finished in Rockmart, GA after riding up to 34 miles and ended with a lunch at Knuckleheads.  The weather was perfect and the fall colors were beautiful.  A great time was had by all that participated.

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Entertainment Chairman

    It's October and everyone seems to be enjoying the cooler weather.  Friday night appetizers which are usually in Gossip Hall were moved to the club house.  It was a small, intimate gathering and so much fun.  If you haven't been to a Friday night gathering, be sure to come with your favorite appetizer in tow.  The fall clean up turned out to be another opportunity for getting together (even though it isn't really the entertainment committee's event, it felt like it.). We had homemade cinnamon rolls with loads of cream cheese frosting one Saturday morning by special request.  if you have other requests or ideas for a gathering, lets plan it.

    At your service 

    Dave Nyenhuis

     Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE


    Upcoming Events:

    October 19 - Marshall County Leadership Cruise

    October 26 - 31 Fall Color Cruise and Turtle Point Party

    November 9 - Heroes Week

    Four boats - AquaTred, 2Oper8, NOGRASSTOMO, Ohana and Sarah G made the trip to Knoxville last weekend for the Alabama-Tennessee football game.  Though we were sorely disappointed by the game, the fall colors (ALL that ORANGE) were in full display.  It was a fun trip in spite of the football.  I mean, it's a boat trip, after all.  CYC was most gracious and some of their members fed us on the way up and on the way home.  We met Small World headed upriver on our way home.  Traveling this river is wonderful!

    Next week, some of us will head to Fort Lauderdale for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show.  I don't know of anyone actually shopping for a new boat but that won't stop us from dreaming and getting aboard a few!  Others are headed downriver to TPYC for a fall color cruise and weekend as guests at Turtle Point.  Safe travels to all who are headed out.

    Thanks to all those who have agreed to serve the Club for 2023.  It is a big responsibility to run this place and the pay isn't so great.  Be sure to thank the board members and officers when you see them on the dock.

    Also thanks to Helen Fachet and Diane Beck who, once again, have organized all the decorations and table linens upstairs.  PLEASE put stuff back where you got it when you use something from up there.  They worked hard to straighten it all out!

    Just a reminder - if you have stuff shipped to LGYC please remember to pick it up in the Ship's Store.  Sometimes that place looks like an Amazon warehouse.

    Happy fall, y'all!  Looking forward to seeing you on the dock or in front of the fireplace soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 1 Oct 2022 9:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    Where did the summer go! Many have enjoyed the boating, the club, the club parties and summer travels like I have. We still have lots of activities left this year so the fun is not over yet!  Amy and I attended the FLYC event and totally enjoyed the people, the hospitality and the great party. I hope others will consider making the trip next year, FLYC put on a great show. Talking about a great event, I am always amazed at the teamwork and the volunteers that come together to make the LGYC Labor Day event one of the best events of the year.  Thanks to Dave and Jacque Nyenhuis as our Entertainment Chairpersons and all the volunteers that came together to make the party a success.

    Please plan on attending the Annual General Meeting October 1st. If you can't attend please send in your proxy. This important meeting will elect the key positions for 2023 that will make many of the key decisions for the club. This year's nominating committee of Gerald Daniel, Glen Curenton, Murray Beck, Helen Fachet and Chuck Wills have met and nominated an outstanding group of officers for 2023 which we hope you will vote for. Watch for the mailing that will be sent more than 10 days before the meeting.

    The City of Guntersville has continued to develop under the leadership of Mayor Dollar.  During her 10 years as Mayor the the improvements are impressive and it helps provide LGYC members more opportunities to enjoy the area as they visit the club.  Highlights this year include the opening of City Harbor, the extension, new lighting and restrooms on the Sunset Drive trail, renewal of the recreation center plus many more.  If you would like to see this years State of the City presentation and slides, click the following links.

    Guntersville 2022 State of the City.docx

    2022 State of The City.pdf

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    Our membership is strong at 98 full members.  

    We have one letter on the board from Chris Creech seeking Junior Membership.  Many of you know him through his parents, Greg and Denise Creech.  I have spent many hours with Chris and am excited about him seeking membership.  It was a pleasure for me to be the first to sign his letter! 

    Slips are almost at our maximum capacity with only one 40’ & one 50’ covered slips available.

    We have several members embarking on lengthy trips starting in October.  The subject of sub-leasing has come up several times.  This is a practice that the club allows with board approval based upon all slips of that size being leased.  The key point here is that all slips of that size must be leased.  The process is the same as a slip move, the slip move list will determine seniority based upon each members move request date.  I will be notifying the list next week about the availability of slip B-23.  The slip is scheduled to be available October 1, 2022.  One other point to remember is that when the sub-lease terminates there may not be any available slips (unless you have continued to lease your previous slip ).

    I look forward to seeing everyone at our annual meeting.

    Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore   b.mccarty4@icloud.com NAUTI BY NATURE

    Message from the Fleet Captain

    On October 19 we will host the Marshall County Leadership Coalition. High school juniors and seniors will arrive at the Club by 10:00 for a quick tour. We will split them into groups of 6-8 and give them a boat ride. We will end the ride at City harbor by 12:00.  We still need a few boats to volunteer. Just sign up on Wild Apricot.

    October 26 - 31 will be our Fall Cruise. We will plan on being at Turtle Point on Friday and Saturday nights. We still have no cost or details on the TPYC party but registration is open.

    November 9 is the Veterans Cruise. Gerald is coordinating this event. Please see his message elsewhere in this newsletter.

    Thanks to all who helped with docking and fueling on Labor Day weekend and to those who ran generators on Friday and Saturday! It was a great success and much appreciated.

     Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain,  blross86@gmail.com  Sea 'n Blue

    Message from the Entertainment Chairman

    If you missed the Labor Day Party, you missed a great event. Thank you to all the members who made the event extraordinary. So many members put in time decorating, planning activities, hosting games, preparing their boats to host the tailgating foods, making phenomenal meals and so much more. 

    There are several events coming up for members to get involved in. For this month, on October 1st there will be a pot luck lunch in conjunction with the annual meeting. Bring a covered dish or two to share. Pot Lucks always turn out to be some of the most enjoyable activities. 

    A whole host of people have shown how they love working on the events and it is what makes LGYC so special.  

    At your service 

    Dave Nyenhuis

     Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE


    Hello LGYC Members,

    As November approaches, it is time to ask for volunteer Captains and boats to join in the annual Heroes Week.  For the new members, this is an event sponsored by the US Marine Corp, that provides week long events for our nation's wounded Heroes, men and women. Of all the events available to our Heroes, a boat tour of Lake Guntersville is one of the most popular.  LGYC is the arrival point of a Police and Veteran motorcade bringing a tour bus of Heroes and spouses/significant others to an afternoon of events that begin with a boat tour of Lake Guntersville.  This is followed by a Color Guard flag posting ceremony, then a performance of the local Elementary School choir and finally dinner in the Ballroom served by Wintzell's.  The Blue Star Mothers will be serving food and drinks and assisting where needed.  The Blue Star Mothers organization is made up of women who have active duty sons and daughters currently serving in our Armed Forces. 

    Please consider participating in this worthy event.  The date is Wednesday, November 9th and boats can be moved to the Party Dock on Tuesday if necessary.  There will be a 1 pm Captains meeting at Gossip Hall.  If you would like to join us, please send your name, boat name and number of passengers you can accommodate to Gerald Daniel (egd412@yahoo.com) along with any questions you might have.  Also some of these wounded soldiers have wheel chairs or service dogs to help them, so please indicate if you would allow a wheel chair or service dog aboard.  These are amazing animals that do not cause any problems.  

    Thanks again.  Gerald Daniel

    Upcoming Events:

    October 1 - General Membership Meeting and Potluck Lunch

    October 19 - Marshall County Leadership Cruise

    October 26 - 31 Fall Color Cruise and Turtle Point Party

    November 9 - Heroes Week

    If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks or watching football in the Clubhouse soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 6 Aug 2022 10:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    I want to thank so many of our members that took the time to welcome the new potential members to the club in the past month. The one thing that I hear most from new potential members is how friendly and welcoming all the members are to them. 

    LGYC was well represented at Hydrofest this year and those that were willing to handle the heat were entertained by a great show on the lake. Tommy Gray coordinated a crew of volunteers, mostly from LGYC to assist in the pit tours.  Tommy and the pit tour crew received accolades from the event organizer Katy Norton. Thanks to everyone that helped.

    Thanks to Dave and Jacque and all the volunteers for putting on a great July 4 party. We had a great crowd of about 170 people.

    Every year a nominating committee for the next year board is formed at least 90 days before the annual general meeting. This year the nominating committee includes Gerald Daniel, Glen Curenton, Murray Beck and Helen Fachet with Commodore Wills as chairperson. This group will recommend the slate of officers for 2023 to be voted on in the October general meeting.

    The Board of Governors is pleased to offer a chance for LGYC members to test an alternative to cable TV. If you would like to try YouTube TV service on your boat and at home, you can borrow a preprogrammed streaming device from the club that includes a YouTube TV subscription. You can stream live content or playback recorded events and fast forward past commercials. Contact Chuck Wills or Ricky Beckham to sign out a device ....... please return it after your test.

    Have you ever wanted to know how windy it is at the club or how much rain we received in the most recent storm? LGYC now has a weather station that you can check from anywhere. Download the "Ambient Weather" App on your phone and search for LGYC, Guntersville and set it as your favorite.

    A few LGYC golfers have started to play together and are looking for more players so we can bump up to 2 foursomes.  If you are interested in playing on Thursday mornings contact Chuck Wills at 256 506 7773.  

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Vice Commodore

    New ceiling fans were ordered and installed at Gossip Hall and ballroom bar area. They provide a great new look with durability that will survive a windstorm without damage.  The previous outdoor fans were mounted on down rods and would hit the ceiling in some situations.

    A new quad split air conditioner was installed in the clubhouse to replace some failed units and upgrade others including the upstairs office, conference room, entry way and ship store.

    The old carpet and roll vinyl flooring in Ricky and Danielle Beckham's house was replaced with luxury vinyl plank.  A crew came in and completed the project in a day after Ricky and Commodore Wills spent a long day pulling all the old flooring in preparation.

    The transformers were changed to increase the output voltage on the covered slip.  Several had reported low voltage issues and by changing the taps on each of the transformers, the voltage has been raised into the correct range.

    The water supply for the entire property had a valve blowout.  Thanks to assistance from Skip Boyer using a mini excavator from Dick Mortimer a temporary repair got the club through the weekend.  A new valve from the water company and metal to metal fittings were installed to prevent the same from occurring again.

    Fairwinds and Calm Seas,

    Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

    Message from the Fleet Captain

    Fall Cruise is on as well as well as a Party at Turtle Point!  The plan will be to head to Joe Wheeler State Park either on 25 or 26th of October, go into Turtle Point  for a Friday evening cookout, party on Saturday night with a formal dinner, return Sunday to LGYC or those that want to could go onto Florence.  Bottom line, mark your calendars for 25-31 October.  More details to come.

     Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain,  blross86@gmail.com  Sea 'n Blue

    Message from the Entertainment Director


    It is time for the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club Labor Day party. College football is a great American tradition and we are going to celebrate both. Come and enjoy the College Game Day Party at the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club on Friday September 2 and ending Sunday morning September 4. During the weekend wear the colors of your favorite college football team and swap stories on why your team is going to be the best.

    Kickoff starts on Friday, September 2, at Gossip Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 with an open bar and appetizers. This is a great time to meet old friends and make new friends and get ready for the party. 

    The first half starts at the clubhouse at 6:30 for cocktails, open bar for the night and dinner at 7:00 with a menu of Shrimp and Grits, Fillet of Beef, Charcuterie Board, Baby Field Greens with Mango Vinaigrette Dressing and ending with Red Velvet Cake. If you can move after that meal, the second quarter will be all about dancing and enjoying the sounds of our own Dr. Rony Naijar and the band Junctional Rhythm. 

    Halftime starts with a slow Saturday morning at Gossip Hall with a light breakfast and Bloody Marys, all while listening to the jazz sounds of Yog! This is a great time to relax, visit and of course, enjoying making fun of Alabama fans. 

    The afternoon will be full of activities including just hanging out at the pool, there are three TV’s that are bound to have your game on, old favorite games like Left-Right-Center, a chance to shop, opportunity to visit Guntersville, skeet shooting and theme games. 

    The second half begins at 5:30 on the Party Dock. Themed host boats will be serving a variety of your favorite game day foods.  The bar on the dock will be serving your favorite drinks and we will rock the dock with sounds provided by DJ Willie.  What a gem of a spot to party on the lake on the dock. 

    We are excited to invite our sister yacht clubs from Turtle Point (Florence), Chattanooga and Fort Loudoun (Knoxville). Due to guest boats and host boats having priority on the Party Dock, please check with Fleet Captain Boyce Ross before pulling your boat out for the weekend.  Don’t forget to make your reservations through Wild Apricot for the entire weekend.  It will be worth cheering about!

     Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

    Message from the Treasurer

    We continue to track well with our 2022 operating plan and continue to forecast a surplus at year end.  Both our capital and cash funds are at very good levels.  As you might expect, the Board of Governors and Bridge continue to be careful with our spending and in making good long term decisions for LGYC.   A sub-committee has recently been formed to evaluate and plan for our major system infrastructure improvements.  The intent is to plan and schedule larger maintenance/capital projects to ensure that we control the timing and are not caught off guard with unplanned failures.   In addition, we plan to develop a first pass capital project list for 2023 and prioritize what work we intend to accomplish in 2023.   Until next time, keep your fenders up and burgee on.


    Steve Bosse, Treasurer.  sbosse@wgyates.com   Truly Blessed

    From the Editor


    Our annual visitors weekend is almost upon us and many hands make light work.  There are lots of ways to help out without missing out on any of the fun of the weekend. Below are some opportunities:

    1.  Diane Beck (Clubhouse) and Sarah Reed (Gossip Hall) are decorating for the weekend and are in need of footballs, helmets, jerseys - in short, anything you have that is football related - for decorating.  If you have anything to loan please contact Diane at dianebeck28@gmail.com or Sarah at sarahreed572@yahoo.com or text Diane at 205-243-6916.

    2.  Nancy Hedden still needs a few volunteers to make one loaf of bread with your choice of filling for our guests to snack on in Gossip Hall Saturday afternoon.  This is easy!  Please volunteer!  nbhedden@gmail.com

    3.  Decorating party in the Clubhouse on Saturday, August 27th, at 12:30.  Diane promises it will be FUN!!!!  The more people, the more fun, and the quicker we will be done!


    Here is the link for Frank Lindstrom's obituary.  Several had asked me about a service and it does not appear they plan to have one at this time.


    Sherry Kelly fell and tore her rotator cuff and broke her foot a few weeks ago.  She is on the mend and hoping to be back to the boat as soon as she can hobble well enough.   Prayers for quick and complete healing from her shoulder surgery and broken bones.

    Renee and Bob Kirkbride helped rescue some stranded sailors who were aground just outside our channel.  Thanks to them for being good Samaritans!


    I've been asked to put out a friendly reminder about a few of our rules which are being overlooked by some.

    1.  Dogs are not allowed in the pool enclosure - this includes the gazebo.  Dogs are also not allowed in the Clubhouse.

    2.  Please return your cart when you have unloaded it.  Don't leave it on the dock until you are ready to re-load to head home.  Other people need the carts over the weekend!

    3.  Dogs, again - Izzy is a little irritated that some of you are ignoring her comments in last month's newsletter.  Please keep your dogs on a leash and clean up after them.

    Upcoming Events:

    Decorating party - Clubhouse, Saturday, August 27, 12:30

    LGYC Hosts CYC, FLYC and TPYC - September 2 - 4

    Fall Cruise to TPYC - October 25 - 31

    If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks or floating in Short Creek soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 2 Jul 2022 10:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    I feel underdressed without some pirate garb.

    – Lisa Kessler, Pirate’s Passion#@#_WA_-_CURSOR_-_POINT_#@#

    CYC hosted a great party and those that joined in dressed the part for the Pirates of the Tennessee event. Fleet Captain, Boyce Ross, did a great job of keeping track of our float plans and the changing Chickamauga Lock situation.  Great decorating, great food, great music and of course great comradery with our own members as well as the CYC host and TPYC and FLYC visitors. Stops for some included Hales Bar (better than it used to be) and Chattanooga Downtown (always a great stop). If you want to check out the fun click on the Google Album of the event.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/ArdGdmuo3eb3KigL8

    LGYC hosted the Antique and Classic Boat Society boat show over June 4 and 5.  A big thanks to everyone that helped make the event a success!  We had many volunteers and owners moved out of 5 covered slips so the show boats could be displayed undercover. We had plenty of social interaction with group showing the boats and had several of our members join in showing vessels. Friday included a cruise to the Dam in the wooden boats and lunch at Brewers Cooperative and a VIP boat showing and happy hour. Saturday was the public day plus an awards and dinner dance. About 400 attended the public day on Saturday. The objective was to do a public service event for the community but in the process we have two new potential members on the board that were not previously looking at the club.  Michael Kirkpatrick was one of the award winners with his Gentleman's Racer. 

    If you want to check out the fun click on the Google Album of the event. https://photos.app.goo.gl/cgGMNctWBG7hNMme8

    Hydrofest is coming later June 25 and 26 and promises to the best event since racing resumed on the lake.  LGYC will again be a sponsor of the event.  The $2500 sponsorship has been paid for by members and friends that have signed up for the Club Level tickets through the club.  I hope to see you there, let me know if there are any last minute requests for tickets, we have a pair available from a member that can't attend.  Call Chuck Wills at 256 506 7773. 

    Cable TV

    After extensive study by the technology team and a survey of members, the board made the unanimous decision to end cable service to vessels when the current contract ends in early 2023. Annual savings of about $25,000 a year are expected. The board will invest some of the savings into improving the WIFI infrastructure and the remaining money will be invested in other projects that benefit all members. During the past year, the WIFI and internet service at LGYC has been dramatically improved. More members have stopped using the club provided cable TV service and started using the same services they use at home on boats.  The board thanks you for taking time to provide input to the survey last month.  The survey provided helpful information.

    The Board understands that this transition will be more difficult for some than others and the board is committing to providing information and assistance during the transition. The club will hold an information session to explain the options and alternatives in the coming months. In addition to training, the club will provide a number of pre-programmed devices that will offer a live TV alternative to cable for those that need assistance in the transition.

    A technology team member will provide assistance in demonstrating the technologies on your vessel if you need assistance. We will also ask that everyone that wants TV service in the slips and at the party docks test the alternative to confirm the devices work well before the cable TV service is terminated. It is recognized that we may need to address WIFI signal strength in some areas to ensure that streaming services work reliably. If anyone is currently experiencing issues with streaming, please contact Ricky Beckham or any of the technology team and they will help.

    While we are eliminating cable TV service to the vessels we have decided to continue with providing cable service to the clubhouse and gossip hall for at least one more year to provide an option for viewing TV if members are not ready for streaming service on board your vessel.

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Vice Commodore

    Hello Shipmates. By June the maintenance of the club is in full swing and our staff has to dedicate most of their time to keeping up with the outdoor chores. I think the club is looking great and James and Ricky really had the place looking good for the Antique Boat Show. Please remember to thank them for their hard work in these hot summer days.

    This month a myriad of tasks were completed. A few mentionable items are continued repairs to the plumbing on the docks, replacing and re-aiming sprinkler head, having the carpets in the ballroom professionally cleaned, having rip rap install around the lagoon, repairing the main gate (again), repairing the rot and storm damage to the fuel dock, and lastly cleaning out the septic tank and learning that there is a filter in the tank that requires periodic maintenance. We will be assigning septic filter duty alphabetically. Just kidding.

    The replacement of the floor in the caretakers house was stalled do to suspected floor rot, but Commodore Chuck Will and Ricky dug into that problem and found no issues. So flooring will commence at the end of the month.

    Inspection of the party dock has revealed that some of the boards have failed underneath and will need to be replaced, so if you notice the dock is sagging a little, have no worries that repairs are on the way.

    We are planning to purchase a second dumpster for the upper parking lot, but please continue to break down your trash as much as possible so the trash bins overflow. Please do not leave your trash next to the dumpster if it is too full. You will have to carry it yourself to the dumpsters in the main parking lot or take it home with you.

    Please also remember there is a designated area to walk your dog. Do not let your dog go on the lawn around the clubhouse. That is not a designated area.

    Fairwinds and Calm Seas,

    Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    Slip update- currently we have :

                                                                1 – 40’ covered slip

                                                                1 – 50’ covered slip

                                                                4 -  uncovered slips

    With the club this full please do not stash dinghies or runabouts in open slips without asking.  Usually, it is not an issue but with the club at its capacity, space is tight and open slips are rare.

    Membership – We currently have 3 letters posted on the board.  Please try to read their letters and meet them over the next couple of weeks.  Gossip hall on Friday nights and the 4th of July are great opportunities to spend some time with prospective members.

    Please welcome our newest Junior member Phillip Poitevint and his wife Whitney when you see them around the club.

    A quick note from Izzy our Rear K9-odore

    essage from the Rear Commodore

    We are at 98 members with 2 new potential members in the process of joining.  

    Please welcome our newest members Tony and Vicky Thomas.  They have been very active in attending functions at the club and many have already met them.  If you have not yet done so, please welcome them when you see them.

    Please remember that we are responsible our humans and we need to make sure we have read the club rules to them.  Our humans must be on leashes at all times.   When we are walking our human, we cannot potty around the club house.  The human walk area is along the pathway in the upper lot and  on the strip of grass between the parking lot and the water around the dumpsters in the lower parking lot. Also, it has been brought to my attention that there are several humans roaming the club without K9s .  I’m not sure what to say about this but we will address it at the next barking contest. We have a great thing going here, let’s not let a few bad humans ruin it for the rest of us!

    Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore  b.mccarty4@icloud.com  NAUTI BY NATURE

    Message from the Secretary

    GOOD NEWS! We have solved our problem with posting our monthly Board of Governors (BOG) meeting minutes. If you want to know what is discussed and what decisions are made to improve our Club, then please visit out website @

    If you have any problems please don't hesitate to reach out to myself our your Commodore.

    Greg Creech, Secretary

    Message from the Fleet Captain

    TPYC is considering having its party in October or early November this year.  They are still finalizing plans, but it might be a great opportunity for some to combine a color cruise with the TPYC party this year.  Look for an update in the next month.

    Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain,  blross86@gmail.com  Sea 'n Blue

    Message from the Entertainment Director

    This summer has brought some exciting events to the Yacht Club. We just completed the Antique Boat Show including the show, dinner and dancing. If you missed this you missed seeing some great old boats, highly recommended next time they are back. June finishes up with Hydrofest, a City of Guntersville event which LGYC is a sponsor. If you like racing and you like boats this is an event you will want to see.

    July 4th brings the nation’s birthday. We will celebrate on Monday the 4th starting with barbecue ribs, barbecue chicken, all the sides and a dessert. This is a family event so bring the whole gang. Lunch is planned for noon at a cost of $12.00 per adult, $5.00 per child under 12.  There will be a water slide for the kids and corn hole games for everyone. The evening can be ended with fireworks from the shore of Guntersville City Park - from the boat is the best spot.

    Also, throughout the summer are opportunities to skeet shoot and there are boating classes scheduled. Anchoring the end of the summer is the Labor Day party starting on Friday September 2 and ending on Sunday the 4th . There is lots to do so join the fun and get involved.

    Don’t forget to get out on the boat and cool off in the water. There are some great spots close by that don’t take much fuel to get away and get recharged.

    Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

    Message from the Safety Committee

    A number of members took advantage of Richard and Lynn Miles' offer to do a free boat safety inspection by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary .  Much better to know if you have any deficiencies before you are stopped by law enforcement.  The two biggest areas that tripped up our members were MSD (Marine Sanitation Device certification (Contact James Hughes if you need this done) and fire extinguishers. 

    A new law regarding the fire extinguishers that must be carried aboard recreational boats went into effect April 20, 2022. The new regulation breaks down into three main takeaways and applies to recreational boats less than 65 feet LOA. 

    The first takeaway is that portable fire extinguishers aboard all recreational boats must not be older than 12 years. The age of a fire extinguisher may be stamped on its bottom.  If you can't find a date, replace it! 

    The second thing to know about the new regulation is that it requires all boats from model year 2018 and newer to carry fire extinguishers labeled as 5-B, 10-B or 20-B.  Boats older than 2018 can still carry extinguishers labeled B-1 and /or B-11, provided they are serviceable and they are not date-stamped as more than 12 years old.

    Third, the number of extinguishers has not changed from the previous rule.

    Watch for an announcement on fire extinguisher inspection.  We will organize a day where the club will cover the transportation and service fee and you only have to pay for your individual inspections.

    Safety Committee,  Paul Wolfsberger paul.wolfsberger@gmail.com  Slip Away and Gregg Turner  geturner13@gmail.com Summer Wind

    From the Editor

    Upcoming Events:

    July 4th Barbecue - Monday, July 4th

    LGYC Hosts CYC, FLYC and TPYC - September 2 - 4

    Nancy Hedden is looking for volunteers to provide sandwiches for September 3rd - One loaf of bread with your choice of filling - for our guests in Gossip Hall for a light lunch on Saturday afternoon.  Please contact Nancy if you can help out.  This is an easy way to get involved and be part of the process that makes this weekend so fun.  Nancy can be reached at nbhedden@gmail.com or 256-679-7446.

    If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks or floating in Short Creek soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 4 Jun 2022 10:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    On behalf of the Commodoress and I, thank you for the Commodore Party on May 7.  It was a great event.  Thanks to the Bridge wives coordinated by Kim Van Staagen for putting on a fantastic party with about 100 attending.  Sarah Grace did a masterful job as Master of Ceremonies.  She reminded us of the contributions of all the past Commodores and all they have done for the club.

    Our club photographers, Lynn and Richard Miles were hard at work during the Commodore Party.  There are far to many great photos to just pick a few to share.  Instead, they have provided a google photo link that will allow you to see all the photos.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/X8RzS5n7qAA3e1QB7 or copy and past the address above into your browser if the direct link does not work.

    The Commodore Open was a ton of fun and we had some "Tin Cup" moments which made the event even more fun.  The gals teed it forward giving the men that Linda Ronstadt feeling as the women's drives "Blue Bayou".  One hole featured a hand toss to extend the drive, one forced each player to use the same club for the entire hole and one included a shot of "Tin Cup" before using the cup as your tee.  Twice during the round, we were reminded of the Tin Cup movie when Amy and later Rony used to cart path for long shots of the day ...... "it's still going".  Thanks for joining in the fun 

    From the time I started on the Board, my vision was always been pretty basic.  I just want to make the club better and many of you shared that vision and helped me achieve that objective.  I want to thank so many of you that have me in that journey. 

    We have a very special place here on the lake and it has grown to be an important part of my life.  The club has always had the location and the facilities but from my first visit I quickly came to understand that the club is all about the people.  I value the relationships and friendships that Amy and I have developed, this place is a great community.

    Like many things in life, you receive more when you give than when you take.  The Club Appreciation Day was a great example of what we can do when we all pull together.  Thanks to Pete Van Staagen for organizing the appreciation day and for everyone that turned out.  Even Asher and Noah Pearson got with the program.

    Emmett and Susan Smith put on a great event at the Yacht Club to celebrate Susan's birthday.  I thought the party was also for Emmett but Susan said no, but Emmett acts like every day is his birthday.  As if the party was not enough for the month, they donated and transported a basketball hoop system to the club to provide more fun options for our growing group of children at the club.  Similar new systems sell for about $8000.  Thanks to Emmett and Susan for all they do!

    June brings some special boating events in Guntersville.  LGYC will host the Antique and Classic Boat Show June 3 and 4 which involves a series of opportunities to interact with the Dixie Land Antique and Classic Society and a public day on Saturday where we expect over 500 visitors.  It should be a great weekend.  The general invitation was sent but please sign up for the individual events you want to attend when those invitations go out.  If you are willing to help with greeting the public or helping with traffic control please let Chuck Wills know, we still need some volunteers.

    Hydrofest is coming later June 25 and 26 and promises to the best event since racing resumed on the lake.  LGYC will again be a sponsor of the event.  The $2500 sponsorship has been paid for my members and friends that have signed up for the Club Level tickets through the club.  I hope to see you there, if there are any more requests for tickets it may be possible to increase our number if they have not sold out.  Let Chuck Wills know if you want to join in.  Tommy Gray will also be coordinating Pit Tours so if you want to volunteer, he still needs a couple of people to help.

    Cable TV survey is out to members (not spouse so we collect one vote per household) and if you would like to have a voice in the process, please check your email from May 12 and respond.  Survey will close May 19 and the board will review the results.  We can't resend the poll to those that have not responded so going back to the original email is the only way to cast your vote.  It only takes 2 minutes, please respond.

    Thanks to Chuck Ruddy for putting on a lunch and learn class about "locking through".  Chuck reported the class was lively with lots of good questions and discussion.

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Vice Commodore

    A huge thanks to all the club members that spent the day during the Club appreciation day. There were over 50 volunteers at the event and most worked tirelessly from 8 am until about 4 pm. We installed dozens of bushes, hundreds of plants, over 20 yards of mulch, removed numerous trees and debris, clean and organized kitchens and cabinets, cleaned the shoreline and lagoon, installed edging, pressure washed miles of sidewalk and painted all the iron furniture from around to pool. Thanks to all of you for participating, we accomplished more than we ever have in the past and the club is looking great.

    As many of you have noticed we have started implementing the professional landscaping plan we had put together last year. The old wooden borders and gone and the gardens are larger and filled with new trees, bushes, shrubs and flowers that all work together. A big thanks to Commodore Chuck Wills for taking the lead on the landscape implementation. Also, a big thanks to Skip Boyer for running the mini excavator and to Dick Mortimer for lending it to us. As planting season is behind us now, we are taking a pause on the landscaping plan until the fall.

    Thanks to Boyce Ross for cutting, splitting and stacking a hickory tree for us.  It will be especially welcomed next winter.

    Other items of note are the repair of the seawall along the lagoon, rip rap installed along the lagoon, and a couple truckloads of dirt and crush and run have been spread. Lastly, check out the new TV and sound bar in the TV room.

    Upcoming events are ceiling fans for gossip hall and the bar area, new flooring installed in the caretaker’s house, new AC for the upstairs office and conference room, and updated range markers and day markers for the channel.

    As always if you see something that needs attention, please make note of it on the suggestion list in the clubhouse.

    Fairwinds and Calm Seas,

    Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    We are near our membership capacity with 98 full members and currently we only have  two  – 40’ covered slips available.  We do have 3 open uncovered slips open.  If you would like to be removed from any of the slip move or wait lists, please let me know. 

    I would like to introduce Kathryn Cockrell to the LGYC family, she is our newest and youngest Junior member.   Kathryn founded, owns, and operates Happy Hound Pet Sitting.  She currently has 2 location that serve  Baldwin County, AL and Hamilton County, TN.  She founded her business as a 13 year and has operated it successfully for 15 years.

    Kathryn has a 36’ Carver named “Never Satisfied “ and is learning as she goes.  Hiking and kayaking are a couple of her favorite pastimes and many of us may have seen her with her dog and cat in tow on the water in Chattanooga. Backpacking  through Europe was one of her great adventures and currently she is dabbling with Hang gliding and is close to taking a solo flight from the “big cliff”.   In her spare time, she has also attained the rank of Third-Degree Black Belt in Karate and has assisted in medical missions to Ecuador.

    If you see Kathryn at the club, please take a moment to introduce yourselves and welcome her to our family.

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    We are at 98 members with 2 new potential members in the process of joining.  

    Please welcome our newest members Tony and Vicky Thomas.  They have been very active in attending functions at the club and many have already met them.  If you have not yet done so, please welcome them when you see them.

    Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore  b.mccarty4@icloud.com  NAUTI BY NATURE

    Message from the Treasurer

    The yacht club financial committee spent considerable time evaluating the financial position of the Yacht Club at the end of last year and as you know, it was necessary that we increase slip fees to account for over 12 years of inflation that had been absorbed into the operating budget. We started the 2022 year with a solid operating plan that would not only take care of our 2022 financial obligations/expenses, but also build a modest cash reserve by year end. We are tracking very well to our budget and forecasting our year end position at the close of each month to ensure “no surprises”. Making good decisions in the use of our capital/expenses along with a good facilities plan keeps us in control of our funds. We should never be surprised by large, unplanned expenses. With a full membership in place and the outstanding condition of our facility, I see a healthy financial future for the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club.

    See you on the water.

    Steve Bosse PE, Treasurer, sbosse@wgyates.com Truly Blessed

    Message from the Fleet Captain

    Chattanooga Yacht Club Memorial Day Party this year has a Pirates Theme. LGYC have nine boats and 30 people attending .  The Creech, Krall, and Kessela boats are leaving Thursday, anchoring at Shell Mound and making the run to CYC Friday. The Marchenia', Rogers, Thomas, Wills and Cheek Boats are staying at Little Cedar on Wednesday, Chattanooga on Thursday and CYC on Friday. Rony may stop at Little Cedar or depending on weather on Wednesday go on to Chattanooga on Wednesday and CYC Friday. 

    Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain,  blross86@gmail.com  Sea 'n Blue

    Message from the Entertainment Director

    There are a variety of activities at LGYC from boating classes to skeet shooting to parties. Be sure to keep track of the comings and goings on the LGYC web page. This month on Saturdays, you will notice the skeet shooting and the boating class. Also, be sure to take time to come and see us at the antique boat show. It is a chance to see boats from across the country that have been preserved and restored. And, later in the month is Hydro-fest. This is an exciting event with Guntersville showcasing national boat racing talent. HydroFest is a two-day event where the fastest boats will race to take home the Southern Cup title. If your interest is more in just sharing conversation with fellow boaters, every Friday night you can join the group who gather at gossip hall. One of the unique features of the LGYC is the party dock which allows everyone to join in the fun and party atmosphere. LGYC is certainly one of the most beautiful marinas in the area but is also known for their fun social calendar. We would love to have you join in on one or all of these events. Hope to see you there.

    Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

    Message from the Safety Committee

    Dock Safety and Etiquette

    What do most members first think of when they hear a single blast of a boat horn around the club slips? Most, if not all, of us think that someone is pulling out of their slip and headed to the party dock to socialize. Folks around the party dock lookout for who is coming out to help with lines. The most important signal we should all be considering is safety. Before pulling away, make sure that all lines are free and all cables and hoses are disconnected and stowed on the dock or boat safely. As a courtesy to fellow members, please return dock carts to the parking areas when not in use. Ensure your crew understands the departure plan and any crew actions that may be required. If you are ready to pull out of your slip when you hear another boat signal departure from their slip, stop and watch for where possible traffic might be in the fairway. Wait until you are sure that the fairway is clear before sounding your horn and proceeding to depart your slip. Another point we should consider as part of good seamanship is, if you are in a slip bow to the dock and you will have to reverse your engines to depart, you should sound three short blasts on the horn to indicate your engines are in reverse and you may not have good sight lines to the fairway. Once you are out of your slip, proceed at the slowest speed required to maintain steerage until you are well clear of the fairway, then observe any “no wake” zones. This will often include shifting into and out of gear and allowing the boat to coast.

    When returning to your slip, observe “no wake” zones and reduce speed to the minimum required for steerage when you enter the fairway. If another boat is negotiating the fairway moving to or from their slip, best practice is to stop before entering the fairway and allow the boat ahead of you to clear the fairway before proceeding. This avoids putting pressure on the boat in front of you to get into their slip quickly or to exit the fairway at an unsafe speed. Unless you have a well trained crew, it is best to delay securing lines and fenders until you are well clear of the dock area, so that the Captain and crew can concentrate on making a safe departure. When returning, set your fenders and lines early so you are not in a rush as you approach your berth.

    We all know that there are fishermen that like to frequent the area around our slips. Most are courteous, and understand that bigger boats need more maneuver room. For those that are not quick to recognize a dangerous situation, a shout from the helmsman or a short blast of the horn will be enough to remind them to stand clear.

    Additional safety information from our the website on the link below.


    Safety Committee,  Paul Wolfsberger paul.wolfsberger@gmail.com  Slip Away and Gregg Turner  geturner13@gmail.com Summer Wind

    From the Editor

    Upcoming Events:

    5-21-22 ABC Boat Safety Class - Ballroom

    5-27-22 CYC Memorial Day Party

    6-3-22  Boat Show Preview Gossip Hall

    6-4-22  Boat Show Public Event 10-4

    6-4-22  Boat Show Dinner Dance 6-12 pm

    If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 7 May 2022 10:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    On behalf of the Commodoress and I, thank you for the Commodore Salute during the opening of Short Creek on April 2.  The kind words, encouragement and support provided was humbling, thanks to all that participated.  The raft up afterwards was great and Sarah Grace led the ceremony to donate her Covid19 facemask to the water gods in hopes we never need to wear them again.  The pot luck back at the club featured many members showing off their cooking talents.  Our catered events are great, but I think we have better food when our members cook.  My favorite was Paul Smith's smoked ribs which had me sneaking back for seconds.

    Amy and I are looking forward to the Commodore Party on May 7 and hope can all join in the fun.  I know the committee, headed up by Kim Van Staagen, has been working hard on the plans and they will put on a great event. 

    As a warm up to the Commodore Party I would like to challenge all the golfers to join me in the Commodore Open which will be held at Gunters Landing golf course starting at 3 pm on Friday May 6.  Get your sticks ready for some fun.  The format will be scramble with bogey as the maximum score and women are encouraged to join in the fun.  We will have some special forward tee spots for the ladies so men, you can forget thinking you will have the long drive on every hole.

    Thanks to those that are participating in the Beer Club.  Paul Tatum reports that it is working so far and he can continue keeping beer on tap as long as the donations continue.  He is open to suggestions if you have a favorite brew that you want the club to sample.

    This year's Board of Governors continues to impress me with lots of good ideas and sound decisions.  The board is rarely unanimous on its thinking and that is a good thing.  We openly discuss different points of view before we vote and implement the final decisions.  This month we decided to take down the dead pine trees outside the gate as well as the hickory tree between the sidewalk and the pool.  The pines are an eyesore and have the potential of falling and causing harm.  The hickory drops nuts and leaves into the pool creating a mess.  The board also approved money to start implementing the architect's plans for landscaping.  The first step will focus on improvements around the clubhouse.

    Steve Bosse has taken the club treasurer tracking and reporting to a new level.  Steve is not only reporting on our current status but is providing a forward looking projection of where we will end the year.  The plan this year was to gradually build our cash reserves for normal operations and so far we are on track to exceed our goal.  It is still early in the year and we never know when the next unexpected expense will hit but we will be better positioned to manage it with our increasing cash reserve.

    Special thanks to Glenn Curenton for working on the club insurance.  This is one of our largest expenses and with all the rates going up and less companies willing to insure facilities like ours he had to do some serious work to get us the best deal.  Contract was signed using the largest publicly traded property and casualty company in the world, Chubb.

    Cable TV continues to be an area the board is grappling with since it is a $25,000 a year expense and few like the DTA boxes we have to deal with.  With our improved Wifi more people are abandoning the cable and using the same services they use from home via streaming services.  The board will be sending a survey to better understand how members are using the cable service and if we should consider alternatives.  Please respond to the survey when it is sent this month. 

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Vice Commodore

    April is going to be full of activities and the most important is the Club Appreciation Day (at least it is if you are Vice Commodore)!  Club Appreciation Day will be April 30th. The following weekend is the Commodore Party, so please plan to come and help tidy up the club and the gardens. Many hand make light work and it is a good way to meet members and build friendships. If anyone wants to take on a specific task, please let me know and I will make sure you have everything you need to get the job done.

    Denson tree service removed 6 trees this week including the 5 dead pines outside the gate and one hickory tree which was too close to the pool and a constant nuisance with leaves and nuts in the pool.

    Dick Mortimer donated use of a mini excavator and Skip Boyer showed off his expertise as an operator and made quick work of the old bushes around the clubhouse that did not fit into the landscape architect's plans.  Billy McCarty used his connections to order the plants which fill in where the old plants were removed around the clubhouse.  Please bear with us while the work is in progress.  It will look better when it is completed.

    Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    We are at 98 members with one new potential junior member on the bulletin board.  

    Please welcome our newest members, Tony and Vickie Thomas.  They have been very active in attending functions at the club and many have already met them.  Their boat name is Uncaged.  If you have not yet done so, please welcome them when you see them.

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    We are at 98 members with 2 new potential members in the process of joining.  

    Please welcome our newest members Tony and Vicky Thomas.  They have been very active in attending functions at the club and many have already met them.  If you have not yet done so, please welcome them when you see them.

    Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore  b.mccarty4@icloud.com  NAUTI BY NATURE

    Message from the Entertainment Director

    Labor Day Weekend Planning:

    On April 2, we had an organizational meeting for the Labor Day weekend party.  For those who are new to the Club, our Club invites our reciprocating Tennessee River Clubs (Chattanooga, Fort Loudoun and Turtle Point) for a weekend of fun, food, music, games and camaraderie over the Labor Day weekend.  It starts Friday and ends on Sunday before Labor Day. This year's theme is college football.  I have only lived in the southeast for a few years and have found the excitement of college football very special.  Just come watch an Alabama game with a couple of ladies you know from the Club and you will learn right away that college football is not just a game.

    As is typical of this Club, we do not hire out everything but many members pitch in lots of help to make this event possible.  This is a great time to work as a team, get involved and meet other members.  There are many options and levels of participation, some you can lead, some just lend a hand and others get your elbows dirty.  We are still looking for help in the following areas and hope you will consider jumping in even if you don't know what you are doing. 

    Games Leader - Be in charge of games for Saturday

    Game Hosts for the following games:

    Corn Hole

    Football Golf

    Horseshoe Tournament

    Punt, Pass and Kick



    Host Boat - we already have 5 but need one more.  This job requires putting on a tailgate type, heavy appetizer meal on the dock behind/beside your boat, decorating in the theme of the weekend.  You will have a budget from the club and can ask another couple to help if you like.

    Photographer - take pictures and have slide show running on a tv during the weekend.

    Posters - design and print 12 posters to advertise the event at our Club and at the other Clubs which we have invited.

    Help decorate the weekend before the party.

    Please contact me if you are interested in participating or if you have questions about any of the jobs.  We look forward to working together to make this a great event!

    Other upcoming parties:

    Emmett and Susan Smith are hosting a party and it is expected to be a big one.  Due to circumstances that could not be controlled, the new Brewers Cooperative will not be able to open due to construction issues. So, Emmett and Susan are moving the party to the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club. Since they no longer have a restaurant and bar to provide food and drinks, we will be doing a POT-LUCK dinner & BYOB. So, please bring a dish to share with everyone and bring your favorite beverage(s). They will probably have about 175 people, so think big as far as your dish to share. They will have Seth Sullivan with Sullivan Productions (DJ) for music and bartenders to mix your favorite cocktails at the new LGYC bar. Bring your dancing shoes and let's celebrate our ability to adapt and overcome when it comes to having a party.

    Seth Sullivan Productions (DJ) will be setting up outside, weather permitting, on the new covered patio, lake view included, and will be providing great dance music. He will set up inside if weather is an issue. Regardless, bring your dancing shoes and let us celebrate life!

    Event Schedule:

    6:00-6:30 Cocktails

    6:30-7:30 Dinner

    7:30-?? Music by DJ

    Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

    Message from the Safety Committee

    The weather is beginning to warm and boaters are fixing all the little problems with their boats to be ready for the season. Safety should be a major consideration. Rainy days are good days to spend time out of the weather checking safety gear so that when the weather is right you are ready to go.

    Personal Floatation Devices, PFDs (lifejackets to some) need to be inspected and, in some cases, serviced to ensure they perform as needed in an emergency. Here are some things to check to be sure your PFD is serviceable and meets USCG requirements. Check your PFDs often for rips, tears, and holes, and to see that seams, fabric straps, and hardware are okay. Small tears may be repaired, but any hole big enough to allow floatation to escape means a PFD should be destroyed and a replacement obtained. There should be no signs of water-logging, mildew odor, or shrinkage of the buoyant materials. Don't forget to test each PFD at the start of each season. Remember, the law says your PFDs must be correctly sized and matched to your passengers before you set out on a cruise. Inflatable PFDs have special service and maintenance requirements that should be followed in accordance with manufacturer directions. Any PFD that does not meet standards should be disabled and discarded.

    Many boaters have furry crew members that are valued members of their family and it would be a shame if any of those fur babies were maimed or worse because of an avoidable accident. All dogs can become aggressive when when they perceive a threat, particularly other dogs. Large breeds can be especially dangerous in that owners can have difficulty controlling them but even small dogs can cause damage. All breeds are capable of causing serious injury to children or adults. The bottom line, please make sure to keep your dogs, regardless of size, leashed or confined to your boat per club rules.  At no time are pets allowed in the clubhouse or swimming pool enclosure.

    Safety Committee,  Paul Wolfsberger paul.wolfsberger@gmail.com  Slip Away and Gregg Turner  geturner13@gmail.com Summer Wind

    From the Editor

    Upcoming Events:

    4-16-22 Emmett and Susan Smith Potluck

    4-30-22  Club Appreciation Day - bring your work gloves!

    5-6-22  Commodore's Open Golf Tournament

    5-7-22  Commodores' Party

    Bonnie Ballard and Curtis Combs are headed south on SATISFACTION with The Bahamas as their destination.  They are keeping us up to date on Facebook.  The last report I saw showed them closing in on Cape Coral near Fort Myers.  They seem to be having a wonderful trip. No mechanical or other issues have been noted so hopefully, all is well!

    If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 30 Apr 2022 10:27 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    Spring is just around the corner and boating and other activities are picking up at the club.  As soon as weather permits, every Friday evening becomes a great way to enjoy the club and to get to know others.  Bring a drink and appetizer and hang out at Gossip Hall.  If you have not been participating, please start joining in the fun.

    The Valentine's Day party was a great success and I thank our Entertainment Chairman and wife Dave and Jacque Nyenhuis and the others that helped for making it a great event. 

    Friday night dance lessons have been a blast and thanks to Jack Lydick for organizing it. See photo above.

    For those that don't know, I am passionate about boating education.  We held a class on Boat Handling that was attended by several LGYC members and by several outside the club.  We will be holding an America's Boating Class on March 19 that will allow new boaters to pass a test to allow them to get a Vessel Endorsement on an Alabama ID or Driving License.  Let me know if you want to sign up or know anyone that needs this boating safety class.

    Following the Board of Governors meeting, I held a "Bring your Lunch and Learn" session and plan to continue them as long as we have interest.  We had 25 attend the first session on Anchoring.  We have instructors lined up for the next 2 classes, nautical knots by Pete Van Staagen, and locking through by Gerald Daniel.  If you have a topic you want to hear or one that you want to present. Let me know.

    The 2022 Membership Directories have been printed and will be distributed along with your new card for the Association of Yacht Clubs.

    Eel grass is a problem we have been trying to figure out.  Goose Pond apparently spent $100,000 on a used machine to clear grass.  One of our members, Greg Dreiling offered to build a machine and it has been out working successfully.  While it is still a work in progress, I want to thank Greg for his time, his effort and financial contribution to helping the club address this problem.  The machine is still a work in progress and one of the next steps is to put the machine on a more stable platform.  If anyone has a old or derelict pontoon boat they can offer to the cause, please let me know.

    Beer Club

    I would like to thank Paul Tatum for starting something that I believe many at the club will enjoy, see his note below.  A couple of years ago Pete Van Staagen replaced the Kegerators at the club so we can now enjoy keg beer rather than just foam which was my early experience at the club.  While we have had the equipment we have not had beer available on a regular basis. The club has occasionally provided beer for events and members have been able to consume the leftover beer for free until it is gone. Please help yourself to the beer on tap but also donate appropriately or this could be a short lived enjoyment!  

    LGYC now has a member funded beer club that caters to the craft beer crowd. We have 5 taps available at the club. Two taps in the new indoor bar, and three taps at the Gossip Hall outdoor bar. The intent of this club is to have craft beer on tap year-round for the club membership that is funded by people who love craft beer. The beer club will promote local craft beer, and we also heartily welcome other selections from distant breweries. So bring your beer and let us sample! The beer we target costs about $2 per pint, depending on the brew. Sometimes it is more, so be aware that $2 per pint is a minimum. We will focus on drinkable 4%-7% abv brews, and will gladly consider recommendations. 

    If you want to enjoy craft beer on tap, please contribute to the fund by placing cash in the "Beer Fund" barrel by the taps at the clubhouse bar. You may also contribute via PayPal to Paultatum@bellsouth.net or by Venmo via the QR code on the Beer Fund barrel near the taps. 

    If you have any questions about this, please ask Paul Tatum or Bruce Weddendorf.


    Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Vice Commodore

    Shipmates! Spring is just around the corner and as you know that is a busy time for the crew at LGYC. James and Ricky have already got the water going on the Party Dock! Thanks to their efforts last year there were only two leaks that needed to be repaired. I think that is probably a record few. The chewy ice machine on the dock is also up and running. The grills at Gossip Hall are being serviced and should be like new soon for spring.

    After the BOG meeting this past month, the board split up into four groups to assess the things around the club that need attention. Each of the groups is completing their lists and I will be compiling them and prioritizing them for action. As always, if you see something you think needs attention, please add it to the list in the clubhouse between the restrooms. Please be patient with our crew as there is a lot for them to do.  

    The Board of Governors approved several capital projects this month.

    The carpet in the Caretaker's house was over 12 years old and it will be replaced with LVP flooring which will be a big improvement.

    Larry Hedden is working on making one decent lawn mower out of the two that were used for the past several years.  In addition, the club has purchased a new commercial John Deere Zero Turn Mower which will help the guys get the mowing done faster.  Thanks to Larry Hedden for saving the club nearly $2000 by purchasing it on our behalf, putting it together and delivering it to the club!

    Last year the TV room had a big facelift with new paint, lights, electrical, furniture, window treatments and mantel.  The only thing that did not get touched was actual TV.  While the current TV picture is good, most of the inputs have failed and it is complicated to use.  Many have noted that we have a great collection of DVD's but no way to play them and the sound system is old and hard to figure out.  We don't have the ability to use streaming service with the old TV.  The board approved a new 75 inch Samsung QLED TV and sound bar that will update the final element of the TV room that has been lacking.

    April is going to be full of activities and the most important is the Club Appreciation Day! (At least it is if you are Vice Commodore) Club Appreciation Day will be April 30th. The following weekend is the Commodore Party, so please plan to come and help tidy up the club and the gardens. Many hand make light work and it is a good way to meet members and build friendships. If anyone wants to take on a specific task, please let me know and I will make sure you have everything you need to get the job done.  

    Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    We are at 97 members with 2 new potential members in the process of joining.  We currently have one 40 foot covered slip available and several uncovered slips available.

    New member orientation was held with good participation. The bridge and other key members provided information in quick 10-minute rotations that allowed us share of few tidbits of information and to meet with many of the new members.  I want to thank all the presenters for doing a great job an make a special call out for Sarah Grace who offered an amazing display of the club history.  We have a great group of new members and I hope everyone will take the time to get to know them better!

    Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore  b.mccarty4@icloud.com  NAUTI BY NATURE

    Message from the Entertainment Director

    If you missed the Valentine's Day party you missed a good one.  Many thanks to those who helped make it a success!

    Mark your calendars for April 2nd.  Immediately following the Board meeting that morning we will have a planning meeting for the Labor Day party.  This is a big undertaking and it takes a lot of people to make it happen.  Also, working on this party is a great way to get to know people and really feel a part of what makes this a Club, not a marina.  Please try to join us in the Clubhouse after the Board meeting (probably 11 - 11:30).

    Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

    Yet another opportunity for fun...

    Announcement from the Club will be coming out soon but go ahead and mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16, 2022.  The new City Harbor will be opening soon and there is an opportunity for us to have the first party at the new Southern Brewery at the Silos.  Emmett and Susan Smith in conjunction with Bruce and Jo Weddendorf, using the premise that every day is E's birthday, want to lay claim to LGYC having the first FUN party.  Southern Brewery as graciously allowed us the use of their new facility along with their staff.  They have also agreed to cook a whole hog (apple in mouth hopefully...lol) along with other dishes for those of us that might not be able to eat pork.  The suggested party dinner menu includes:  The Pig..., and shrimp with pepper jelly and chicken breast smothered with gravy, beer cheese, mushrooms & green onions and blackened redfish with grilled pineapple salsa.  There are options for vegetarian and gluten free as well.  All will be served buffet style.  Food tickets (which include 2 drink tickets for beer or wine) will be available to purchase for $32.00 per person.  A cash bar will also be available.  Seth Sullivan Productions (DJ) will be setting up outside, weather permitting, on the new covered patio, lake view included, and will be providing great dance music.  He will set up inside if weather is an issue.  Regardless, bring your dancing shoes and let us celebrate life!  Event schedule - 6-6:30 Cocktails; 6:30-7:30 Dinner; 7:30-?? Music by DJ.

    From the Editor

    Upcoming Events:3-19-22 Americas Boating Club Course

    3-25-22 Turtle Point Event

    4-2-22  Board Meeting, Labor Day Planning Meeting, Salute to Commodore and Opening of Short Creek Raft-Out.

    4-16-22 Party at Southern Brewery at the Silos

    4-30-22  Club Appreciation Day

    5-7-22. Commodores' Party

    If you have walked the docks lately you may have noticed some changes.  Many boats have moved to new slips so be sure to meet your new neighbor if you have one.  Connie and Ed Grund have sold CONSTANCE and Gail and Gerald Daniel have sold TIDE A KNOT.  The Daniels are now the proud owners of a land yacht and plan to do some long anticipated road travel.  Of course, when I asked Gail where they were going she said their only plan for now is LGYC.  I guess old habits are hard to break!

    Patti Gibson is recovering well from knee replacement and Gary said he hopes it won't be too long before she is back aboard SLIP AWAY.  

    It was good seeing Jeff and Brenda Henderson back at the Club last weekend.  Brenda had a fall and broke her wrist pretty badly. She is recovering well, 3 weeks post op.

    Bonnie Ballard and Curtis Combs are headed south on SATISFACTION next week with The Bahamas as their destination.  I hope they will keep us posted so we can all be jealous!  Bon Voyage, Bonnie and Curtis!

    As I am compiling all of the information above we are awaiting a winter storm with potential for up to 3 inches of snow.  Wait... what!?!  When I re-read what Pete wrote about the water being on in Gossip Hall and the ice machine up and running I have to remember that last weekend it was 70 degrees and there were 13 boats on the Party Dock!  What a difference 5 days makes!  But, seriously, spring is just around the corner (right after this snow storm) and I look forward to seeing everyone on the dock soon!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

  • 5 Feb 2022 10:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Message from the Commodore

    I would like to thank you for entrusting me as Commodore for 2022.  I am here to serve.  Feel free to call, text, email or flag me down any time you want to talk club business or just talk.  It is always a privilege to get feedback and opinions on how we can make our great club even better.

    Change of Watch

    The business of running the club in 2022 started with the new Bridge participating in a Change of Watch ceremony during the New Year’s Eve party.  Thanks for Gerald Daniel for the idea, Glenn Curenton for helping with the words and for Larry Hedden who took the stage as master of ceremonies.  Gerald and Gail Daniel were honored as outgoing Commodore in appreciation for all they have done for the club.  In following some military protocols, the outgoing officers presented the incoming officers with the LGYC officer flag for the new positions.  The transition took place with a hearty handshake and included the all-important spouses flanking the officers.  It looked like the start of a new tradition at LGYC which I plan to continue next as we welcome in 2023 on December 31st.

    Officers for 2022

    Please take a moment to review the list of officers and board members as well as the committees for 2022.  These are published on the web site (click this link Committees) and will later be found in the published member directory.  I want to thank each and every person serving this year.  The club is what it is because of the volunteers who invest the time.  Active participation in the club helps each member to build relationships and that is really what LGYC is all about.  Let me know if you want to volunteer, there are always opportunities to help on our special events or to take on projects at the club. 

    Web Site Information

    With so many new members this year I wanted to remind everyone to check out our web site lakeguntersvilleyachtclub.com, Home and also to install the IOS or Android app called Wild Apricot for members (not the Admin app).  After installing the app on your phone, use the same log in you set up for the web site.  While the app is not as complete as the web site, it does have a member directory and events calendar.  I always struggle with names and the app can help.  If you see a boat at the party dock and can't remember the name, pull up the member tab on the app and type in the boat name into the search line and it will pull up the members that own the boat.  If you remember one of the names, first or last of one spouse you can normally quickly get all the info you need when you search.  Paul Tatum has agreed to assist me with the web site this year so let us know if you need help or want something added to the site.

    The member information on the web site is the one safe source.  The printed directory comes directly from the web site.  If you information needs updated, please let me know.

    Life on the lake is great, be safe.

    Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

    Message from the Vice Commodore

    The new year started with a couple of issues that impacted our most basic services.  A water main feeding the property broke creating an unexpected water fountain by the dog walk.  The water department had us back on line after several hours.  On one of the coldest mornings the power went out.  A transformer for the area failed and it took about 6 hours to get back on line.  This was our longest outing since the tornados about 10 years ago.  We were assured the repair would be completed so we did not send a note out to all members.  If it was uncertain, we would have informed everyone.

    Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

    Message from the Rear Commodore

    If you have noticed some new faces at the club this year it is not a surprise because we set records on signing up new members.  Way to go Pete!  Last year membership grew dramatically with 19 new members. Get to know them by looking at the new member page by clicking this link,  New Members 2021 

    Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore  b.mccarty4@icloud.com  NAUTI BY NATURE

    Message from the Entertainment Director

    Mark your calendar for the Valentine’s Day event on February 12.  We will have cocktails at 6:00 and dinner at 6:30, followed by DJ Willy for your music and dancing pleasure.  The menu includes stuffed shrimp and prime rib.  Wear your party attire and come ready to PARTY!  Event notice will be sent through Wild Apricot as an email.  Please respond so we know how many to expect.

    We would love volunteers to host parties and help.  Decorating help with Valentine's Party would be greatly appreciated.  Please text Jacque at 906-339-1477 to volunteer or just show up at 5 pm Friday, February 11th.  Charcuterie/appetizer optional - but it's going to be a decorating party.

    Thanks to Jack Lydick for organizing dance lessons for anyone interested. Lessons will be 45 minutes long, beginning Feb. 4 and every Friday for the next 5 weeks (6 lessons total) at 7:00 in the Clubhouse.  You are not required to attend all sessions,  just sign up as suits your schedule. These modern dance lessons are being conducted by instructors from Huntsville Ballroom Dance and are $15.00 per lesson.  If you have questions about the dance lessons, please contact Jack Lydick lydicknwife@gmail.com.

    Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

    New LGYC Member Orientation - February 12 at 1 pm 

    Approximately one-third of our members have joined in the past 3 years.  The Bridge is offering an orientation meeting for anyone that wants to attend but is targeting new members in the past 3 years.  The objective will be to review a number of club basic rules, provide information about the club and to provide an opportunity for you to ask questions.  The event is on the calendar and the normal event notice will be sent out to everyone.  

    Boating Education at LGYC

    Several LGYC members are officers in the Americas Boating Club which has a strong focus on boating education.  The next class is "Boat Handling" and matter how experienced you are as a boater, this is a good review of what you have forgotten or have yet to learn. For the new boater, it will provide valuable information and new confidence.  Topics include, Which boat is for you?, Equipment for your boat, Trailering your boat, Handling your boat, Aids to navigation, Navigation rules, Basic charts and piloting, Boat motors, Lines and Knots , Weather, Marine Radio, Inland boating and Miscellaneous safety topics.

    It will be held at LGYC Ballroom on two consecutive Saturdays, January 29 and February 4 from 10 until 4 and includes a simple lunch.  Please contact Chuck Wills at willscharles@gmail.com or call (256) 506-7773 if you want more information.

    From the Ship's Store

    We are happy to help you with any accessories, clothing, cleaning supplies or personalized items you might need.  We've ordered everything from refrigerators to personalized belts for our members.  We invoice separately from your Club bill.  Please remit your payment to LGYC Ship's Store.  We are happy to help you with your boating needs.  Diane and Murray Beck, 205-243-6916.      murraybeck99@gmail   NOGRASSTOMO     

    From the Editor

    I am excited to be doing the newsletter again after a multi-year hiatus.  The last time I did it we actually used paper and mailed it!  I just want to encourage all of you to let me know if you have something newsworthy or interesting to the membership to be included in the newsletter.  I plan to send one out at least after each Board meeting and more often, if necessary, to keep the membership informed.

    Wild Apricot is your friend!  Download the app and use it.  If I can do it, I know you can too.  There is a lot of information in this letter so, as a synopsis, here's a list of dates to remember:

    1/29 and 2/4 Boating Class

    2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4 & 3/11 - Dance Lessons

    2/11 - Decorating Party (to be continued 2/12 if not finished)

    2/12 - New Member Orientation 1:00

    2/12 - Valentine's Dinner and Dancing 

    I am hoping to see you at some or all of these events.  Remember, you won't get any more out of this Club than you put into it so show up and get to know your fellow members!

    Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

    sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

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Lake Guntersville Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 498 Yacht Club Drive, Guntersville, Alabama 35976

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