Newsletter October 2022

5 Nov 2022 9:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Message from the Commodore

Thank you for attending or sending your Proxy for the Annual General Meeting.  Thanks to all the presenters for keeping the presentations sharp and on message. The meeting took about an hour and then we enjoyed a great pot luck lunch. We are really blessed with some great cooks at the club. The nominating committee recommendations were accepted and the 3 new Board Members were elected including Skip Boyer, Marcia Elkins, Paul Tatum. Please join me in welcoming them to the 3 year role they have accepted.

I would like to thank Jeff and Brenda Henderson for organizing a bike outing on the Silver Comet Trail.  11 riders started and finished in Rockmart, GA after riding up to 34 miles and ended with a lunch at Knuckleheads.  The weather was perfect and the fall colors were beautiful.  A great time was had by all that participated.

Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

Message from the Entertainment Chairman

It's October and everyone seems to be enjoying the cooler weather.  Friday night appetizers which are usually in Gossip Hall were moved to the club house.  It was a small, intimate gathering and so much fun.  If you haven't been to a Friday night gathering, be sure to come with your favorite appetizer in tow.  The fall clean up turned out to be another opportunity for getting together (even though it isn't really the entertainment committee's event, it felt like it.). We had homemade cinnamon rolls with loads of cream cheese frosting one Saturday morning by special request.  if you have other requests or ideas for a gathering, lets plan it.

At your service 

Dave Nyenhuis

 Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE


Upcoming Events:

October 19 - Marshall County Leadership Cruise

October 26 - 31 Fall Color Cruise and Turtle Point Party

November 9 - Heroes Week

Four boats - AquaTred, 2Oper8, NOGRASSTOMO, Ohana and Sarah G made the trip to Knoxville last weekend for the Alabama-Tennessee football game.  Though we were sorely disappointed by the game, the fall colors (ALL that ORANGE) were in full display.  It was a fun trip in spite of the football.  I mean, it's a boat trip, after all.  CYC was most gracious and some of their members fed us on the way up and on the way home.  We met Small World headed upriver on our way home.  Traveling this river is wonderful!

Next week, some of us will head to Fort Lauderdale for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show.  I don't know of anyone actually shopping for a new boat but that won't stop us from dreaming and getting aboard a few!  Others are headed downriver to TPYC for a fall color cruise and weekend as guests at Turtle Point.  Safe travels to all who are headed out.

Thanks to all those who have agreed to serve the Club for 2023.  It is a big responsibility to run this place and the pay isn't so great.  Be sure to thank the board members and officers when you see them on the dock.

Also thanks to Helen Fachet and Diane Beck who, once again, have organized all the decorations and table linens upstairs.  PLEASE put stuff back where you got it when you use something from up there.  They worked hard to straighten it all out!

Just a reminder - if you have stuff shipped to LGYC please remember to pick it up in the Ship's Store.  Sometimes that place looks like an Amazon warehouse.

Happy fall, y'all!  Looking forward to seeing you on the dock or in front of the fireplace soon!

Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

Lake Guntersville Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 498 Yacht Club Drive, Guntersville, Alabama 35976

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