Newsletter July 2022

6 Aug 2022 10:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Message from the Commodore

I want to thank so many of our members that took the time to welcome the new potential members to the club in the past month. The one thing that I hear most from new potential members is how friendly and welcoming all the members are to them. 

LGYC was well represented at Hydrofest this year and those that were willing to handle the heat were entertained by a great show on the lake. Tommy Gray coordinated a crew of volunteers, mostly from LGYC to assist in the pit tours.  Tommy and the pit tour crew received accolades from the event organizer Katy Norton. Thanks to everyone that helped.

Thanks to Dave and Jacque and all the volunteers for putting on a great July 4 party. We had a great crowd of about 170 people.

Every year a nominating committee for the next year board is formed at least 90 days before the annual general meeting. This year the nominating committee includes Gerald Daniel, Glen Curenton, Murray Beck and Helen Fachet with Commodore Wills as chairperson. This group will recommend the slate of officers for 2023 to be voted on in the October general meeting.

The Board of Governors is pleased to offer a chance for LGYC members to test an alternative to cable TV. If you would like to try YouTube TV service on your boat and at home, you can borrow a preprogrammed streaming device from the club that includes a YouTube TV subscription. You can stream live content or playback recorded events and fast forward past commercials. Contact Chuck Wills or Ricky Beckham to sign out a device ....... please return it after your test.

Have you ever wanted to know how windy it is at the club or how much rain we received in the most recent storm? LGYC now has a weather station that you can check from anywhere. Download the "Ambient Weather" App on your phone and search for LGYC, Guntersville and set it as your favorite.

A few LGYC golfers have started to play together and are looking for more players so we can bump up to 2 foursomes.  If you are interested in playing on Thursday mornings contact Chuck Wills at 256 506 7773.  

Life on the lake is great, be safe.  I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.

Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

Message from the Vice Commodore

New ceiling fans were ordered and installed at Gossip Hall and ballroom bar area. They provide a great new look with durability that will survive a windstorm without damage.  The previous outdoor fans were mounted on down rods and would hit the ceiling in some situations.

A new quad split air conditioner was installed in the clubhouse to replace some failed units and upgrade others including the upstairs office, conference room, entry way and ship store.

The old carpet and roll vinyl flooring in Ricky and Danielle Beckham's house was replaced with luxury vinyl plank.  A crew came in and completed the project in a day after Ricky and Commodore Wills spent a long day pulling all the old flooring in preparation.

The transformers were changed to increase the output voltage on the covered slip.  Several had reported low voltage issues and by changing the taps on each of the transformers, the voltage has been raised into the correct range.

The water supply for the entire property had a valve blowout.  Thanks to assistance from Skip Boyer using a mini excavator from Dick Mortimer a temporary repair got the club through the weekend.  A new valve from the water company and metal to metal fittings were installed to prevent the same from occurring again.

Fairwinds and Calm Seas,

Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

Message from the Fleet Captain

Fall Cruise is on as well as well as a Party at Turtle Point!  The plan will be to head to Joe Wheeler State Park either on 25 or 26th of October, go into Turtle Point  for a Friday evening cookout, party on Saturday night with a formal dinner, return Sunday to LGYC or those that want to could go onto Florence.  Bottom line, mark your calendars for 25-31 October.  More details to come.

 Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain,  blross86@gmail.com  Sea 'n Blue

Message from the Entertainment Director


It is time for the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club Labor Day party. College football is a great American tradition and we are going to celebrate both. Come and enjoy the College Game Day Party at the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club on Friday September 2 and ending Sunday morning September 4. During the weekend wear the colors of your favorite college football team and swap stories on why your team is going to be the best.

Kickoff starts on Friday, September 2, at Gossip Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 with an open bar and appetizers. This is a great time to meet old friends and make new friends and get ready for the party. 

The first half starts at the clubhouse at 6:30 for cocktails, open bar for the night and dinner at 7:00 with a menu of Shrimp and Grits, Fillet of Beef, Charcuterie Board, Baby Field Greens with Mango Vinaigrette Dressing and ending with Red Velvet Cake. If you can move after that meal, the second quarter will be all about dancing and enjoying the sounds of our own Dr. Rony Naijar and the band Junctional Rhythm. 

Halftime starts with a slow Saturday morning at Gossip Hall with a light breakfast and Bloody Marys, all while listening to the jazz sounds of Yog! This is a great time to relax, visit and of course, enjoying making fun of Alabama fans. 

The afternoon will be full of activities including just hanging out at the pool, there are three TV’s that are bound to have your game on, old favorite games like Left-Right-Center, a chance to shop, opportunity to visit Guntersville, skeet shooting and theme games. 

The second half begins at 5:30 on the Party Dock. Themed host boats will be serving a variety of your favorite game day foods.  The bar on the dock will be serving your favorite drinks and we will rock the dock with sounds provided by DJ Willie.  What a gem of a spot to party on the lake on the dock. 

We are excited to invite our sister yacht clubs from Turtle Point (Florence), Chattanooga and Fort Loudoun (Knoxville). Due to guest boats and host boats having priority on the Party Dock, please check with Fleet Captain Boyce Ross before pulling your boat out for the weekend.  Don’t forget to make your reservations through Wild Apricot for the entire weekend.  It will be worth cheering about!

 Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

Message from the Treasurer

We continue to track well with our 2022 operating plan and continue to forecast a surplus at year end.  Both our capital and cash funds are at very good levels.  As you might expect, the Board of Governors and Bridge continue to be careful with our spending and in making good long term decisions for LGYC.   A sub-committee has recently been formed to evaluate and plan for our major system infrastructure improvements.  The intent is to plan and schedule larger maintenance/capital projects to ensure that we control the timing and are not caught off guard with unplanned failures.   In addition, we plan to develop a first pass capital project list for 2023 and prioritize what work we intend to accomplish in 2023.   Until next time, keep your fenders up and burgee on.


Steve Bosse, Treasurer.  sbosse@wgyates.com   Truly Blessed

From the Editor


Our annual visitors weekend is almost upon us and many hands make light work.  There are lots of ways to help out without missing out on any of the fun of the weekend. Below are some opportunities:

1.  Diane Beck (Clubhouse) and Sarah Reed (Gossip Hall) are decorating for the weekend and are in need of footballs, helmets, jerseys - in short, anything you have that is football related - for decorating.  If you have anything to loan please contact Diane at dianebeck28@gmail.com or Sarah at sarahreed572@yahoo.com or text Diane at 205-243-6916.

2.  Nancy Hedden still needs a few volunteers to make one loaf of bread with your choice of filling for our guests to snack on in Gossip Hall Saturday afternoon.  This is easy!  Please volunteer!  nbhedden@gmail.com

3.  Decorating party in the Clubhouse on Saturday, August 27th, at 12:30.  Diane promises it will be FUN!!!!  The more people, the more fun, and the quicker we will be done!


Here is the link for Frank Lindstrom's obituary.  Several had asked me about a service and it does not appear they plan to have one at this time.


Sherry Kelly fell and tore her rotator cuff and broke her foot a few weeks ago.  She is on the mend and hoping to be back to the boat as soon as she can hobble well enough.   Prayers for quick and complete healing from her shoulder surgery and broken bones.

Renee and Bob Kirkbride helped rescue some stranded sailors who were aground just outside our channel.  Thanks to them for being good Samaritans!


I've been asked to put out a friendly reminder about a few of our rules which are being overlooked by some.

1.  Dogs are not allowed in the pool enclosure - this includes the gazebo.  Dogs are also not allowed in the Clubhouse.

2.  Please return your cart when you have unloaded it.  Don't leave it on the dock until you are ready to re-load to head home.  Other people need the carts over the weekend!

3.  Dogs, again - Izzy is a little irritated that some of you are ignoring her comments in last month's newsletter.  Please keep your dogs on a leash and clean up after them.

Upcoming Events:

Decorating party - Clubhouse, Saturday, August 27, 12:30

LGYC Hosts CYC, FLYC and TPYC - September 2 - 4

Fall Cruise to TPYC - October 25 - 31

If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks or floating in Short Creek soon!

Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

Lake Guntersville Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 498 Yacht Club Drive, Guntersville, Alabama 35976

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