Newsletter January 2022

5 Feb 2022 10:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Message from the Commodore

I would like to thank you for entrusting me as Commodore for 2022.  I am here to serve.  Feel free to call, text, email or flag me down any time you want to talk club business or just talk.  It is always a privilege to get feedback and opinions on how we can make our great club even better.

Change of Watch

The business of running the club in 2022 started with the new Bridge participating in a Change of Watch ceremony during the New Year’s Eve party.  Thanks for Gerald Daniel for the idea, Glenn Curenton for helping with the words and for Larry Hedden who took the stage as master of ceremonies.  Gerald and Gail Daniel were honored as outgoing Commodore in appreciation for all they have done for the club.  In following some military protocols, the outgoing officers presented the incoming officers with the LGYC officer flag for the new positions.  The transition took place with a hearty handshake and included the all-important spouses flanking the officers.  It looked like the start of a new tradition at LGYC which I plan to continue next as we welcome in 2023 on December 31st.

Officers for 2022

Please take a moment to review the list of officers and board members as well as the committees for 2022.  These are published on the web site (click this link Committees) and will later be found in the published member directory.  I want to thank each and every person serving this year.  The club is what it is because of the volunteers who invest the time.  Active participation in the club helps each member to build relationships and that is really what LGYC is all about.  Let me know if you want to volunteer, there are always opportunities to help on our special events or to take on projects at the club. 

Web Site Information

With so many new members this year I wanted to remind everyone to check out our web site lakeguntersvilleyachtclub.com, Home and also to install the IOS or Android app called Wild Apricot for members (not the Admin app).  After installing the app on your phone, use the same log in you set up for the web site.  While the app is not as complete as the web site, it does have a member directory and events calendar.  I always struggle with names and the app can help.  If you see a boat at the party dock and can't remember the name, pull up the member tab on the app and type in the boat name into the search line and it will pull up the members that own the boat.  If you remember one of the names, first or last of one spouse you can normally quickly get all the info you need when you search.  Paul Tatum has agreed to assist me with the web site this year so let us know if you need help or want something added to the site.

The member information on the web site is the one safe source.  The printed directory comes directly from the web site.  If you information needs updated, please let me know.

Life on the lake is great, be safe.

Chuck Wills, Commodore  willscharles@gmail.com   (256) 506 7773   POSITIVITY

Message from the Vice Commodore

The new year started with a couple of issues that impacted our most basic services.  A water main feeding the property broke creating an unexpected water fountain by the dog walk.  The water department had us back on line after several hours.  On one of the coldest mornings the power went out.  A transformer for the area failed and it took about 6 hours to get back on line.  This was our longest outing since the tornados about 10 years ago.  We were assured the repair would be completed so we did not send a note out to all members.  If it was uncertain, we would have informed everyone.

Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore  petervs@knology.net   KATINKA TIME

Message from the Rear Commodore

If you have noticed some new faces at the club this year it is not a surprise because we set records on signing up new members.  Way to go Pete!  Last year membership grew dramatically with 19 new members. Get to know them by looking at the new member page by clicking this link,  New Members 2021 

Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore  b.mccarty4@icloud.com  NAUTI BY NATURE

Message from the Entertainment Director

Mark your calendar for the Valentine’s Day event on February 12.  We will have cocktails at 6:00 and dinner at 6:30, followed by DJ Willy for your music and dancing pleasure.  The menu includes stuffed shrimp and prime rib.  Wear your party attire and come ready to PARTY!  Event notice will be sent through Wild Apricot as an email.  Please respond so we know how many to expect.

We would love volunteers to host parties and help.  Decorating help with Valentine's Party would be greatly appreciated.  Please text Jacque at 906-339-1477 to volunteer or just show up at 5 pm Friday, February 11th.  Charcuterie/appetizer optional - but it's going to be a decorating party.

Thanks to Jack Lydick for organizing dance lessons for anyone interested. Lessons will be 45 minutes long, beginning Feb. 4 and every Friday for the next 5 weeks (6 lessons total) at 7:00 in the Clubhouse.  You are not required to attend all sessions,  just sign up as suits your schedule. These modern dance lessons are being conducted by instructors from Huntsville Ballroom Dance and are $15.00 per lesson.  If you have questions about the dance lessons, please contact Jack Lydick lydicknwife@gmail.com.

Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman  dnyenhuis@mail.com   JOBSITE

New LGYC Member Orientation - February 12 at 1 pm 

Approximately one-third of our members have joined in the past 3 years.  The Bridge is offering an orientation meeting for anyone that wants to attend but is targeting new members in the past 3 years.  The objective will be to review a number of club basic rules, provide information about the club and to provide an opportunity for you to ask questions.  The event is on the calendar and the normal event notice will be sent out to everyone.  

Boating Education at LGYC

Several LGYC members are officers in the Americas Boating Club which has a strong focus on boating education.  The next class is "Boat Handling" and matter how experienced you are as a boater, this is a good review of what you have forgotten or have yet to learn. For the new boater, it will provide valuable information and new confidence.  Topics include, Which boat is for you?, Equipment for your boat, Trailering your boat, Handling your boat, Aids to navigation, Navigation rules, Basic charts and piloting, Boat motors, Lines and Knots , Weather, Marine Radio, Inland boating and Miscellaneous safety topics.

It will be held at LGYC Ballroom on two consecutive Saturdays, January 29 and February 4 from 10 until 4 and includes a simple lunch.  Please contact Chuck Wills at willscharles@gmail.com or call (256) 506-7773 if you want more information.

From the Ship's Store

We are happy to help you with any accessories, clothing, cleaning supplies or personalized items you might need.  We've ordered everything from refrigerators to personalized belts for our members.  We invoice separately from your Club bill.  Please remit your payment to LGYC Ship's Store.  We are happy to help you with your boating needs.  Diane and Murray Beck, 205-243-6916.      murraybeck99@gmail   NOGRASSTOMO     

From the Editor

I am excited to be doing the newsletter again after a multi-year hiatus.  The last time I did it we actually used paper and mailed it!  I just want to encourage all of you to let me know if you have something newsworthy or interesting to the membership to be included in the newsletter.  I plan to send one out at least after each Board meeting and more often, if necessary, to keep the membership informed.

Wild Apricot is your friend!  Download the app and use it.  If I can do it, I know you can too.  There is a lot of information in this letter so, as a synopsis, here's a list of dates to remember:

1/29 and 2/4 Boating Class

2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4 & 3/11 - Dance Lessons

2/11 - Decorating Party (to be continued 2/12 if not finished)

2/12 - New Member Orientation 1:00

2/12 - Valentine's Dinner and Dancing 

I am hoping to see you at some or all of these events.  Remember, you won't get any more out of this Club than you put into it so show up and get to know your fellow members!

Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor

sbeckgrace@aol.com   256-337-5677   SARAH G

Lake Guntersville Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 498 Yacht Club Drive, Guntersville, Alabama 35976

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