Message from the Commodore
On behalf of the Commodoress and I, thank you for the Commodore Party on May 7. It was a great event. Thanks to the Bridge wives coordinated by Kim Van Staagen for putting on a fantastic party with about 100 attending. Sarah Grace did a masterful job as Master of Ceremonies. She reminded us of the contributions of all the past Commodores and all they have done for the club.
Our club photographers, Lynn and Richard Miles were hard at work during the Commodore Party. There are far to many great photos to just pick a few to share. Instead, they have provided a google photo link that will allow you to see all the photos. https://photos.app.goo.gl/X8RzS5n7qAA3e1QB7 or copy and past the address above into your browser if the direct link does not work.

The Commodore Open was a ton of fun and we had some "Tin Cup" moments which made the event even more fun. The gals teed it forward giving the men that Linda Ronstadt feeling as the women's drives "Blue Bayou". One hole featured a hand toss to extend the drive, one forced each player to use the same club for the entire hole and one included a shot of "Tin Cup" before using the cup as your tee. Twice during the round, we were reminded of the Tin Cup movie when Amy and later Rony used to cart path for long shots of the day ...... "it's still going". Thanks for joining in the fun
From the time I started on the Board, my vision was always been pretty basic. I just want to make the club better and many of you shared that vision and helped me achieve that objective. I want to thank so many of you that have me in that journey.
We have a very special place here on the lake and it has grown to be an important part of my life. The club has always had the location and the facilities but from my first visit I quickly came to understand that the club is all about the people. I value the relationships and friendships that Amy and I have developed, this place is a great community.
Like many things in life, you receive more when you give than when you take. The Club Appreciation Day was a great example of what we can do when we all pull together. Thanks to Pete Van Staagen for organizing the appreciation day and for everyone that turned out. Even Asher and Noah Pearson got with the program.
Emmett and Susan Smith put on a great event at the Yacht Club to celebrate Susan's birthday. I thought the party was also for Emmett but Susan said no, but Emmett acts like every day is his birthday. As if the party was not enough for the month, they donated and transported a basketball hoop system to the club to provide more fun options for our growing group of children at the club. Similar new systems sell for about $8000. Thanks to Emmett and Susan for all they do!
June brings some special boating events in Guntersville. LGYC will host the Antique and Classic Boat Show June 3 and 4 which involves a series of opportunities to interact with the Dixie Land Antique and Classic Society and a public day on Saturday where we expect over 500 visitors. It should be a great weekend. The general invitation was sent but please sign up for the individual events you want to attend when those invitations go out. If you are willing to help with greeting the public or helping with traffic control please let Chuck Wills know, we still need some volunteers.
Hydrofest is coming later June 25 and 26 and promises to the best event since racing resumed on the lake. LGYC will again be a sponsor of the event. The $2500 sponsorship has been paid for my members and friends that have signed up for the Club Level tickets through the club. I hope to see you there, if there are any more requests for tickets it may be possible to increase our number if they have not sold out. Let Chuck Wills know if you want to join in. Tommy Gray will also be coordinating Pit Tours so if you want to volunteer, he still needs a couple of people to help.
Cable TV survey is out to members (not spouse so we collect one vote per household) and if you would like to have a voice in the process, please check your email from May 12 and respond. Survey will close May 19 and the board will review the results. We can't resend the poll to those that have not responded so going back to the original email is the only way to cast your vote. It only takes 2 minutes, please respond.
Thanks to Chuck Ruddy for putting on a lunch and learn class about "locking through". Chuck reported the class was lively with lots of good questions and discussion.
Life on the lake is great, be safe. I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.
Chuck Wills, Commodore willscharles@gmail.com (256) 506 7773 POSITIVITY
Message from the Vice Commodore
A huge thanks to all the club members that spent the day during the Club appreciation day. There were over 50 volunteers at the event and most worked tirelessly from 8 am until about 4 pm. We installed dozens of bushes, hundreds of plants, over 20 yards of mulch, removed numerous trees and debris, clean and organized kitchens and cabinets, cleaned the shoreline and lagoon, installed edging, pressure washed miles of sidewalk and painted all the iron furniture from around to pool. Thanks to all of you for participating, we accomplished more than we ever have in the past and the club is looking great.
As many of you have noticed we have started implementing the professional landscaping plan we had put together last year. The old wooden borders and gone and the gardens are larger and filled with new trees, bushes, shrubs and flowers that all work together. A big thanks to Commodore Chuck Wills for taking the lead on the landscape implementation. Also, a big thanks to Skip Boyer for running the mini excavator and to Dick Mortimer for lending it to us. As planting season is behind us now, we are taking a pause on the landscaping plan until the fall.
Thanks to Boyce Ross for cutting, splitting and stacking a hickory tree for us. It will be especially welcomed next winter.
Other items of note are the repair of the seawall along the lagoon, rip rap installed along the lagoon, and a couple truckloads of dirt and crush and run have been spread. Lastly, check out the new TV and sound bar in the TV room.
Upcoming events are ceiling fans for gossip hall and the bar area, new flooring installed in the caretaker’s house, new AC for the upstairs office and conference room, and updated range markers and day markers for the channel.
As always if you see something that needs attention, please make note of it on the suggestion list in the clubhouse.
Fairwinds and Calm Seas,
Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore petervs@knology.net KATINKA TIME
Message from the Rear Commodore
We are near our membership capacity with 98 full members and currently we only have two – 40’ covered slips available. We do have 3 open uncovered slips open. If you would like to be removed from any of the slip move or wait lists, please let me know.
I would like to introduce Kathryn Cockrell to the LGYC family, she is our newest and youngest Junior member. Kathryn founded, owns, and operates Happy Hound Pet Sitting. She currently has 2 location that serve Baldwin County, AL and Hamilton County, TN. She founded her business as a 13 year and has operated it successfully for 15 years.
Kathryn has a 36’ Carver named “Never Satisfied “ and is learning as she goes. Hiking and kayaking are a couple of her favorite pastimes and many of us may have seen her with her dog and cat in tow on the water in Chattanooga. Backpacking through Europe was one of her great adventures and currently she is dabbling with Hang gliding and is close to taking a solo flight from the “big cliff”. In her spare time, she has also attained the rank of Third-Degree Black Belt in Karate and has assisted in medical missions to Ecuador.
If you see Kathryn at the club, please take a moment to introduce yourselves and welcome her to our family.
Message from the Rear Commodore
We are at 98 members with 2 new potential members in the process of joining.
Please welcome our newest members Tony and Vicky Thomas. They have been very active in attending functions at the club and many have already met them. If you have not yet done so, please welcome them when you see them.
Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore b.mccarty4@icloud.com NAUTI BY NATURE
Message from the Treasurer
The yacht club financial committee spent considerable time evaluating the financial position of the Yacht Club at the end of last year and as you know, it was necessary that we increase slip fees to account for over 12 years of inflation that had been absorbed into the operating budget. We started the 2022 year with a solid operating plan that would not only take care of our 2022 financial obligations/expenses, but also build a modest cash reserve by year end. We are tracking very well to our budget and forecasting our year end position at the close of each month to ensure “no surprises”. Making good decisions in the use of our capital/expenses along with a good facilities plan keeps us in control of our funds. We should never be surprised by large, unplanned expenses. With a full membership in place and the outstanding condition of our facility, I see a healthy financial future for the Lake Guntersville Yacht Club.
See you on the water.
Steve Bosse PE, Treasurer, sbosse@wgyates.com Truly Blessed
Message from the Fleet Captain
Chattanooga Yacht Club Memorial Day Party this year has a Pirates Theme. LGYC have nine boats and 30 people attending . The Creech, Krall, and Kessela boats are leaving Thursday, anchoring at Shell Mound and making the run to CYC Friday. The Marchenia', Rogers, Thomas, Wills and Cheek Boats are staying at Little Cedar on Wednesday, Chattanooga on Thursday and CYC on Friday. Rony may stop at Little Cedar or depending on weather on Wednesday go on to Chattanooga on Wednesday and CYC Friday.
Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain, blross86@gmail.com Sea 'n Blue
Message from the Entertainment Director There are a variety of activities at LGYC from boating classes to skeet shooting to parties. Be sure to keep track of the comings and goings on the LGYC web page. This month on Saturdays, you will notice the skeet shooting and the boating class. Also, be sure to take time to come and see us at the antique boat show. It is a chance to see boats from across the country that have been preserved and restored. And, later in the month is Hydro-fest. This is an exciting event with Guntersville showcasing national boat racing talent. HydroFest is a two-day event where the fastest boats will race to take home the Southern Cup title. If your interest is more in just sharing conversation with fellow boaters, every Friday night you can join the group who gather at gossip hall. One of the unique features of the LGYC is the party dock which allows everyone to join in the fun and party atmosphere. LGYC is certainly one of the most beautiful marinas in the area but is also known for their fun social calendar. We would love to have you join in on one or all of these events. Hope to see you there.
Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman dnyenhuis@mail.com JOBSITE
Message from the Safety Committee
Dock Safety and Etiquette
What do most members first think of when they hear a single blast of a boat horn around the club slips? Most, if not all, of us think that someone is pulling out of their slip and headed to the party dock to socialize. Folks around the party dock lookout for who is coming out to help with lines. The most important signal we should all be considering is safety. Before pulling away, make sure that all lines are free and all cables and hoses are disconnected and stowed on the dock or boat safely. As a courtesy to fellow members, please return dock carts to the parking areas when not in use. Ensure your crew understands the departure plan and any crew actions that may be required. If you are ready to pull out of your slip when you hear another boat signal departure from their slip, stop and watch for where possible traffic might be in the fairway. Wait until you are sure that the fairway is clear before sounding your horn and proceeding to depart your slip. Another point we should consider as part of good seamanship is, if you are in a slip bow to the dock and you will have to reverse your engines to depart, you should sound three short blasts on the horn to indicate your engines are in reverse and you may not have good sight lines to the fairway. Once you are out of your slip, proceed at the slowest speed required to maintain steerage until you are well clear of the fairway, then observe any “no wake” zones. This will often include shifting into and out of gear and allowing the boat to coast.
When returning to your slip, observe “no wake” zones and reduce speed to the minimum required for steerage when you enter the fairway. If another boat is negotiating the fairway moving to or from their slip, best practice is to stop before entering the fairway and allow the boat ahead of you to clear the fairway before proceeding. This avoids putting pressure on the boat in front of you to get into their slip quickly or to exit the fairway at an unsafe speed. Unless you have a well trained crew, it is best to delay securing lines and fenders until you are well clear of the dock area, so that the Captain and crew can concentrate on making a safe departure. When returning, set your fenders and lines early so you are not in a rush as you approach your berth.
We all know that there are fishermen that like to frequent the area around our slips. Most are courteous, and understand that bigger boats need more maneuver room. For those that are not quick to recognize a dangerous situation, a shout from the helmsman or a short blast of the horn will be enough to remind them to stand clear.
Additional safety information from our the website on the link below.
Safety Committee, Paul Wolfsberger paul.wolfsberger@gmail.com Slip Away and Gregg Turner geturner13@gmail.com Summer Wind
From the Editor
Upcoming Events:
5-21-22 ABC Boat Safety Class - Ballroom
5-27-22 CYC Memorial Day Party
6-3-22 Boat Show Preview Gossip Hall
6-4-22 Boat Show Public Event 10-4
6-4-22 Boat Show Dinner Dance 6-12 pm
If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know. Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks soon!
Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor
sbeckgrace@aol.com 256-337-5677 SARAH G