Newsletter January 2025

7 Feb 2025 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

From the Commodore:

Hello Yacht Club Friends! 

Well, January is almost ending and before you know it, we’ll be warming up the engines and getting ready for the first trip out on the water.  As you know we started the year with a great New Year’s Eve party enjoying time with all of our yacht club friends.  Kim Van Staagen has plenty of “party time” planned for us this year as well.  It’s going to be a great year!  I’m really looking forward to the Valentine’s Day party and enjoying a fine Italian dinner prepared by Chef Pete Van Staagen and his culinary associates.   On a different note, the permit application package for our fuel delivery system upgrade has been forwarded to TVA and the Corp of Engineers for review and approval.   The process is expected to take 8-10 months; however, we’re hoping for a much shorter approval time.  The permit application also includes the replacement of the current fuel dock with one that is approximately 15’ longer.   Construction of the new fuel delivery system will begin as soon as TVA gives us their approval. 

Lastly, we (Larry Hedden and I) met with our Chubb Insurance Risk Assessor on Friday, January 24th.  The meeting went well as did the tour of our property.   I expect that he will provide recommendations that we’ll need to consider for maintaining compliance with our policy.  I’ll keep you posted on the result.   Regarding the insurance surcharge, I anticipate that our 2025 insurance policy/bill will arrive in March.  Once we have a chance to review, I’ll let you know what the impact will be for each of us. 

We have a thriving club, a strong Executive Committee, and outstanding Board of Governors that is committed to our yacht club for many years to come.  Please take a moment to thank them for serving.    

See you soon!

Steve Bosse

2025 LGYC Commodore

Truly Blessed

From the Rear Commodore:

Ahoy! I hope everyone and the facilities survived the cold weather you had a couple weeks ago.  I may be away from LGYC but please be assured I am paying attention and am engaged with our team and the House & Grounds committee.  I have a couple calls a week with James and Ricky and also stay in touch with Steve, Boyce, and Skip I would like to give a big shout out to all the folks that are boots on the ground at LGYC to help keeps things in great shape while I am away.  As for the water leak, it seems that it went away? We think maybe a drain was frozen and not letting water drain out.  Our team is keeping an eye out to detect a recurrence.  We are going to get the pool acid washed and tile cemented and caulked where it is needed.  Also, the launch dock has been replaced. Denise and I are in the Sea of Abaco and plan to be home by the end of March. I am available if anyone wants to give me a call or send me an email.

Warm weather is around the corner.

Greg Creech

Vice Commodore

No Excuses

From the Vice Commodore:

I wanted to remind all members that carts need to be returned to the parking lot rather than leaving them on the dock or finger piers. Also, please make sure power cords are secured to the dock structure and not in the water. At this time, all of our covered slips are full!

Boyce Ross

Rear Commodore

Sea ‘n Blue

From the Treasurer

LGYC is in very good shape financially moving into 2025. We have money set aside for the new fuel delivery system that will be installed later this year if all goes well with TVA. The new fuel dock has not been officially approved yet by the BOG, but money is available for the project.  We are also planning on maximizing our interest income on any cash balances in our accounts. Several of our members have expressed an interest in paying dues via ACH. We are very close to having everything in place to accommodate these requests. 

Craig Cheek



From the Entertainment Chair

I am so excited to be the LGYC Entertainment chair this year!

Since becoming members of the yacht club, planning and decorating for the events is something I have always enjoyed. It is a great way to develop friendships and discover talents of other members.

The January ‘Shipwrecked’ potluck was a success. I enjoyed seeing everyone who were able to make it, and the food was delicious. LGYC is a great place to be “Shipwrecked.”

The next party is The Valentine’s Dinner. Chef Pete will be cooking a wonderful Italian meal. Jeanne Koeppen has volunteered to make several Valentine’s desserts. Check out Wild Apricot for more details.

On March 15th, we are hosting the “Rhythm & Waves Cajun Potluck.” Bring your favorite Cajun Dish and your talent or just come to enjoy. I have attached a google doc in Wild Apricot. Put your name and what you plan to bring. This will ensure that we have a variety of dishes.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

If you have any ideas for a party or ways to improve, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Kim Van Staagen

Entertainment Chair

Katinka Time

Warm weather is around the corner, and we are looking forward to food, fellowship and fun at LGYC! Enjoy these photos shared by Diane documenting the snow day at the club! That's all for now. See you soon!

Snow day.zip

Angie Krall, Newsletter Editor

Lake Guntersville Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 498 Yacht Club Drive, Guntersville, Alabama 35976

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