Message from the Commodore
I feel underdressed without some pirate garb.
– Lisa Kessler, Pirate’s Passion#@#_WA_-_CURSOR_-_POINT_#@#

CYC hosted a great party and those that joined in dressed the part for the Pirates of the Tennessee event. Fleet Captain, Boyce Ross, did a great job of keeping track of our float plans and the changing Chickamauga Lock situation. Great decorating, great food, great music and of course great comradery with our own members as well as the CYC host and TPYC and FLYC visitors. Stops for some included Hales Bar (better than it used to be) and Chattanooga Downtown (always a great stop). If you want to check out the fun click on the Google Album of the event. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ArdGdmuo3eb3KigL8
LGYC hosted the Antique and Classic Boat Society boat show over June 4 and 5. A big thanks to everyone that helped make the event a success! We had many volunteers and owners moved out of 5 covered slips so the show boats could be displayed undercover. We had plenty of social interaction with group showing the boats and had several of our members join in showing vessels. Friday included a cruise to the Dam in the wooden boats and lunch at Brewers Cooperative and a VIP boat showing and happy hour. Saturday was the public day plus an awards and dinner dance. About 400 attended the public day on Saturday. The objective was to do a public service event for the community but in the process we have two new potential members on the board that were not previously looking at the club. Michael Kirkpatrick was one of the award winners with his Gentleman's Racer.
If you want to check out the fun click on the Google Album of the event. https://photos.app.goo.gl/cgGMNctWBG7hNMme8
Hydrofest is coming later June 25 and 26 and promises to the best event since racing resumed on the lake. LGYC will again be a sponsor of the event. The $2500 sponsorship has been paid for by members and friends that have signed up for the Club Level tickets through the club. I hope to see you there, let me know if there are any last minute requests for tickets, we have a pair available from a member that can't attend. Call Chuck Wills at 256 506 7773.
Cable TV
After extensive study by the technology team and a survey of members, the board made the unanimous decision to end cable service to vessels when the current contract ends in early 2023. Annual savings of about $25,000 a year are expected. The board will invest some of the savings into improving the WIFI infrastructure and the remaining money will be invested in other projects that benefit all members. During the past year, the WIFI and internet service at LGYC has been dramatically improved. More members have stopped using the club provided cable TV service and started using the same services they use at home on boats. The board thanks you for taking time to provide input to the survey last month. The survey provided helpful information.
The Board understands that this transition will be more difficult for some than others and the board is committing to providing information and assistance during the transition. The club will hold an information session to explain the options and alternatives in the coming months. In addition to training, the club will provide a number of pre-programmed devices that will offer a live TV alternative to cable for those that need assistance in the transition.
A technology team member will provide assistance in demonstrating the technologies on your vessel if you need assistance. We will also ask that everyone that wants TV service in the slips and at the party docks test the alternative to confirm the devices work well before the cable TV service is terminated. It is recognized that we may need to address WIFI signal strength in some areas to ensure that streaming services work reliably. If anyone is currently experiencing issues with streaming, please contact Ricky Beckham or any of the technology team and they will help.
While we are eliminating cable TV service to the vessels we have decided to continue with providing cable service to the clubhouse and gossip hall for at least one more year to provide an option for viewing TV if members are not ready for streaming service on board your vessel.
Life on the lake is great, be safe. I am here to serve, please call, text, email or flag me down on the dock any time you want to talk.
Chuck Wills, Commodore willscharles@gmail.com (256) 506 7773 POSITIVITY
Message from the Vice Commodore
Hello Shipmates. By June the maintenance of the club is in full swing and our staff has to dedicate most of their time to keeping up with the outdoor chores. I think the club is looking great and James and Ricky really had the place looking good for the Antique Boat Show. Please remember to thank them for their hard work in these hot summer days.
This month a myriad of tasks were completed. A few mentionable items are continued repairs to the plumbing on the docks, replacing and re-aiming sprinkler head, having the carpets in the ballroom professionally cleaned, having rip rap install around the lagoon, repairing the main gate (again), repairing the rot and storm damage to the fuel dock, and lastly cleaning out the septic tank and learning that there is a filter in the tank that requires periodic maintenance. We will be assigning septic filter duty alphabetically. Just kidding.
The replacement of the floor in the caretakers house was stalled do to suspected floor rot, but Commodore Chuck Will and Ricky dug into that problem and found no issues. So flooring will commence at the end of the month.
Inspection of the party dock has revealed that some of the boards have failed underneath and will need to be replaced, so if you notice the dock is sagging a little, have no worries that repairs are on the way.
We are planning to purchase a second dumpster for the upper parking lot, but please continue to break down your trash as much as possible so the trash bins overflow. Please do not leave your trash next to the dumpster if it is too full. You will have to carry it yourself to the dumpsters in the main parking lot or take it home with you.
Please also remember there is a designated area to walk your dog. Do not let your dog go on the lawn around the clubhouse. That is not a designated area.
Fairwinds and Calm Seas,
Pete Van Staagen, Vice Commodore petervs@knology.net KATINKA TIME
Message from the Rear Commodore
Slip update- currently we have :
1 – 40’ covered slip
1 – 50’ covered slip
4 - uncovered slips
With the club this full please do not stash dinghies or runabouts in open slips without asking. Usually, it is not an issue but with the club at its capacity, space is tight and open slips are rare.
Membership – We currently have 3 letters posted on the board. Please try to read their letters and meet them over the next couple of weeks. Gossip hall on Friday nights and the 4th of July are great opportunities to spend some time with prospective members.
Please welcome our newest Junior member Phillip Poitevint and his wife Whitney when you see them around the club.
A quick note from Izzy our Rear K9-odore
essage from the Rear Commodore
We are at 98 members with 2 new potential members in the process of joining.
Please welcome our newest members Tony and Vicky Thomas. They have been very active in attending functions at the club and many have already met them. If you have not yet done so, please welcome them when you see them.
Please remember that we are responsible our humans and we need to make sure we have read the club rules to them. Our humans must be on leashes at all times. When we are walking our human, we cannot potty around the club house. The human walk area is along the pathway in the upper lot and on the strip of grass between the parking lot and the water around the dumpsters in the lower parking lot. Also, it has been brought to my attention that there are several humans roaming the club without K9s . I’m not sure what to say about this but we will address it at the next barking contest. We have a great thing going here, let’s not let a few bad humans ruin it for the rest of us!
Billy McCarty, Rear Commodore b.mccarty4@icloud.com NAUTI BY NATURE
Message from the Secretary
GOOD NEWS! We have solved our problem with posting our monthly Board of Governors (BOG) meeting minutes. If you want to know what is discussed and what decisions are made to improve our Club, then please visit out website @
If you have any problems please don't hesitate to reach out to myself our your Commodore.
Greg Creech, Secretary
Message from the Fleet Captain
TPYC is considering having its party in October or early November this year. They are still finalizing plans, but it might be a great opportunity for some to combine a color cruise with the TPYC party this year. Look for an update in the next month.
Boyce Ross, Fleet Captain, blross86@gmail.com Sea 'n Blue
Message from the Entertainment Director
This summer has brought some exciting events to the Yacht Club. We just completed the Antique Boat Show including the show, dinner and dancing. If you missed this you missed seeing some great old boats, highly recommended next time they are back. June finishes up with Hydrofest, a City of Guntersville event which LGYC is a sponsor. If you like racing and you like boats this is an event you will want to see.
July 4th brings the nation’s birthday. We will celebrate on Monday the 4th starting with barbecue ribs, barbecue chicken, all the sides and a dessert. This is a family event so bring the whole gang. Lunch is planned for noon at a cost of $12.00 per adult, $5.00 per child under 12. There will be a water slide for the kids and corn hole games for everyone. The evening can be ended with fireworks from the shore of Guntersville City Park - from the boat is the best spot.
Also, throughout the summer are opportunities to skeet shoot and there are boating classes scheduled. Anchoring the end of the summer is the Labor Day party starting on Friday September 2 and ending on Sunday the 4th . There is lots to do so join the fun and get involved.
Don’t forget to get out on the boat and cool off in the water. There are some great spots close by that don’t take much fuel to get away and get recharged.
Dave Nyenhuis, Entertainment Committee Chairman dnyenhuis@mail.com JOBSITE
Message from the Safety Committee
A number of members took advantage of Richard and Lynn Miles' offer to do a free boat safety inspection by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary . Much better to know if you have any deficiencies before you are stopped by law enforcement. The two biggest areas that tripped up our members were MSD (Marine Sanitation Device certification (Contact James Hughes if you need this done) and fire extinguishers.
A new law regarding the fire extinguishers that must be carried aboard recreational boats went into effect April 20, 2022. The new regulation breaks down into three main takeaways and applies to recreational boats less than 65 feet LOA.
The first takeaway is that portable fire extinguishers aboard all recreational boats must not be older than 12 years. The age of a fire extinguisher may be stamped on its bottom. If you can't find a date, replace it!
The second thing to know about the new regulation is that it requires all boats from model year 2018 and newer to carry fire extinguishers labeled as 5-B, 10-B or 20-B. Boats older than 2018 can still carry extinguishers labeled B-1 and /or B-11, provided they are serviceable and they are not date-stamped as more than 12 years old.
Third, the number of extinguishers has not changed from the previous rule.
Watch for an announcement on fire extinguisher inspection. We will organize a day where the club will cover the transportation and service fee and you only have to pay for your individual inspections.
Safety Committee, Paul Wolfsberger paul.wolfsberger@gmail.com Slip Away and Gregg Turner geturner13@gmail.com Summer Wind
From the Editor
Upcoming Events:
July 4th Barbecue - Monday, July 4th
LGYC Hosts CYC, FLYC and TPYC - September 2 - 4
Nancy Hedden is looking for volunteers to provide sandwiches for September 3rd - One loaf of bread with your choice of filling - for our guests in Gossip Hall for a light lunch on Saturday afternoon. Please contact Nancy if you can help out. This is an easy way to get involved and be part of the process that makes this weekend so fun. Nancy can be reached at nbhedden@gmail.com or 256-679-7446.
If any of you have news or announcements to be included in the next newsletter, please let me know. Looking forward to seeing you all on the docks or floating in Short Creek soon!
Sarah Grace, Newsletter Editor
sbeckgrace@aol.com 256-337-5677 SARAH G